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To Return or not to Return


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You know, I was wandering the Heavens yesterday and I saw this shiny button marked "Player Wipe".

Really tempted to push it. :D

Go, go, go! Push that button! Damn...you new immortal dude and your avatar remind me so damn much of a twisted version of the blonde chick from Pussycat Dolls. Love ye. Call me Sally!

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At the end of the day this game is crack... you can stay away here and there... but you will always come back. Once you roll your character and dive in... there is no looking back from there. Game over and then... let the wars begin.

Ahh yes.. the Love of Forsaken Lands.

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Yeah, but that was maybe $100 or so and that's probably generous. Imagine all brand new $60 360 games and a $50 Wii game and another $80 special edition Wii game. And literally I played two of the five 360 games and the others I haven't touched. I haven't even beaten the two I played.

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Eh. I did that in my early 20's, if I did that now she'd be close to 50. In general it depends on the gal. I prefer 27-38 range. I'm not opposed to younger though as long as they're able to drink legally. Regardless of that, I still think this game would consume my time more than some gal.

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