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Most of my specific questions have to deal with Zombies more than anything. Like which rank to get what and so on. I already see a bunch of logs with people who have level 50 Zombies so I know what works assuming I can find people who will like me enough to help me get them. Looking at the 50 crowd now though I don't really know who will help me since a lot are either Watcher or Goods. So looks like the odds are against me. :-P

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Necromancer is probably the class that I have played the most. The rules for zombie have changed slightly since the last time I've played one to pinn, but the idea behind selecting zombie has only really changed in that you must find three different mobs to animate.

Selecting zombie and charmies is different for a couple reasons. The mobs level is one of the most important differences. You always want equal or higher level zombies if you can. I have successfully animated mobs some seven levels greater than my own (crabs at 35) ect. So 52 or 53 level zombie are better than 42 level zombies.

The second major difference between a zombie and charmie is power. A damned zombie will only have about 2/3 of it's original power. A level 43 at 2/3 power is almost less that useless against a 50.

As far ad leveling zombies go the crab is a good choice, the lookout by the demons is good, and the plains of winter is full of neat and very painful mobs that can take you up toward 50.

As far as the level 50 zombies are concered I would recommend checking the

pretty pvp logs. The most recent one uses brilliant flesh. Don't forget soul tap!

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Crazed troll is a great very early zombie, very useful for ranking through the thirties. The crab, necromancer in the sewers and Szorbin from the Ford are good low-40s zombies. Grab a Drstam at 40, and you should be fine until 50. Also, you can't animate anything higher than 52, if I recall correctly.

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the cult lookout is similar. Level 39 I think, and is 4+ attacks, and dirts. Very strong. FWIW, too, you can raise zombies up to 10 levels above you. So at level 40, you can raise a level 50 zombie. Identify the corpses of the mobs before you attempt to raise them so you know whether or not you have any chance at all.

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At 50, IMO, there are two sets of zombies. One setup that is standard and can be acquired solo. These include Drstam, Tired old Innkeeper, and Shudde'mell (however u spell that). Then the uber set which is: Traven, Icy Guardian, and Shudde...although in some cases the innkeeper is better than Shudde since he has a divine power attack and seemingly very good hitroll.

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Make sure you always have detect magic affecting your necromancer. Look at mobs before you kill them. Raise zombies from mobs that are hasted. A great first zombie is the scallywag near the storm giant village. Hasted, dirt kicks, disarms, shield disarms and berserks. Enjoy.

P.S.-You cannot animate any mob above level 52 (as a necromancer, it is possible as a different class however)

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