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| Vrathrxx || the King of Devils |


| Str: 17(17) || Level: 50 Sex: N Age : 1507(103h) |

| Int: 25(25) || Class: necromancer Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 23(18) || Race : Ood(illithid) Align: evil |

| Dex: 18(18) || Hp : 185/716 Exp : 36260/614940 |

| Con: 17(17) || Mana : 415/1216 |

\ Lck: [|||||-] \/ Move : 263/408 +Hit: 2 +Dam: 3 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Zhokril |

| Slash : 90 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Mystic |

| Pierce: 90 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/305 |

| Blunt : 90 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/35 |

| Magic : 90 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 4 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| You have 5 days left to submit a cabal application. |

| You are a ghost. |


acid blast 100 animate corpse 100 armor 81

blindness 100 cancellation 100 chill touch 100

chorus of anguish 100 comprehend languages 79 cone of force 100

curse 100 curse weapon 1 death grasp 100

detect good 1 detect invis 95 detect magic 103

dispel magic 100 energy drain 100 entomb 75

faerie fire 100 faerie fog 91 fast healing 97

flesh golem 81 ghoul touch 100 haggle 86

hand to hand 100 hold undead 81 identify 100

infravision 1 invisibility 96 know alignment 1

locate object 100 mass invis 100 meditation 103

parry 100 pass door 86 plague 100

poison 100 powerword kill 100 protection 100

protective shield 100 recall 100 scrolls 91

second attack 100 shatter 100 sleep 100

soul capture 100 soul tap 75 staves 100

stone golem 80 strength damned 100 summon 100

teleport 75 trance 103 vampiric touch 100

wands 99 weaken 100 word of recall 90

Okay, so I honestly didn't think I'd get through the quest for Psi the first time and quite frankly the characters RP was starting to feel old. Necromancers aren't my strong suit so I didn't get to PK very often. After having had to move a few cities away I had a hard time getting back into it and then ultimately failing the quest and having already had a horrible day to begin with, I think I'll stick with my other character for the time being. I'll try again in the future for another perhaps, but it may be a while yet.

Anyone who has ever seen Doctor Who will know what an Ood is, so I based the character off of that RP a bit and hoped it would catch. Goes to show how horrible I am with a Necro though and hopefully I can actually go with it more again. Maybe a Lich attempt next time I don't know. Has been fun though for the first half of his life, the last half was kind of mundane. I prefer the whole ranking bit a lot more though than the 50 game for some reason.

So if the Imms would please, just deny him since I can't delete him. his wares will be circulated, and my HP was over 900 with EQ and could've easily been over 1k if I had some of the uber wares. At least now I know what to expect in the future with the quest.

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Vryxtyx was kind of what I thought of after I named him. I had another I rolled up about the same time with the same stats and such, but I didn't think the name sounded Illithid enough. I'm pretty sure Vryxtyx was yours anyways, I think I still have the application you had for him as well.

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At first I thought about just going silent the entire RP way since the Ood don't really talk to other people so much as amongst themselves telepathically, but decided I'd just speak rarely. Ever since I saw the Ood I thought of Illithids in FL so I had to play one if I came back to play. I came back.

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