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Life of a Savant


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I agree with invokers being the most flimsly mage class. Necros can win battles without even being in battle or having to cast a spell. There charmies can dirt/trip/bash to get your aggressor off of you. Not to mention Necros have a natural healing ability. They don't have to stockpile consumables like invokers do. And in my experience using enchant armor on good rares is very risky so I'm not sure it can be counted toward there defense when considering there power peak amonst other mages.

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Invokers are true mages, who needs defense when you can use offence. Invokers can beat anything, if you are prepared and ready. Catch them off guard and they are dead. You all dont know me, but I love invokers, I will make a drow invoker, and you will see.

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As for them beeing the most flimsy mages, that is untrue, be prepared, if you dont have anything to heal you, then you will die, but if you have staves, and hearts, and ponds of water.........unstopable, just land a faerie fire on grylok, and he is dead, as for the monks, flee when you loose all your protections, and keep your weapon in your hand, do nothing and wait to flee....you they are coming, you know they will chii bolt, wait to flee.....and there are things in the lands to shrink yourself....

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The only thing that bothers me is the difference between good and evil invokers....YOU can be a faerie invoker.......probobly the best race for that class......good. Where is the Dark faerie.......Its easy to get 50 Awls from slith city, wield them flee when you are dirted, and have a stave as your charged item.

If you are dumb enough to get dirted, stay in battle and be disarmed by iron arm, and monks or Warmasteres goodies....then you deserve to die....

You have dirt in your eyes.......flee

get to water.......

go to elemental canyon and float in air.

dont fight on there terms fight on yours!

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Two things:

1) Faeries are the absolute best race for invokers. Nothing anyone can say will ever convince me otherwise.

2) Monks were never a problem for me with Klemsor. There were a number of high caliber monks running around at the time and I never had any issues whatsoever. In fact, I made a point of challenging the Warmaster ones just to see what all the fuss was about (note: this fuss comes up every time a monk is doing well - or, realistically, any time anyone is doing particularly well with a given class). I will look through my stuff and see if I have any logs of my fights with them, but all you have to do to beat a monk is be on top of your game.

Damn. I really, really want to roll an invoker.

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I love how this retirement post about battlemages turned into a strategy guide for invokers ^.^

And I agree with you evangelion. An invoker does sounds really yummy.

The thing about faeries being the absolute best race for invokers is probably true (the closest I've ever come to playing anything good is neutral ;)) but drow do have acess to a very impressive cabal pew pew power that makes life a little easier for invokers.

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RE: Bali

I used to have multiple logs of Scholin laglocking my invoker from the second he hit my firestorm, respond with bolt. I would type recall, die in 10-15 rounds, and then recall would go through after I was at my pit. Only one time did I ever break the lock, and it was purely due to Scholin missing 2 trips, and hitting no chakras.

Also Faerie IS a great race, but I see it as a very fragile race as well. Invoker is a unique class in that it only requires 1 thing from the race to be effective, where as most other classes need 2-3 things to be effective. What I mean is invokers need a minimum amount of mana to be effective, all the rest you can compensate with eq choices, and consumables.

Warriors need a few things to be reasonably competitive barring the actual player skill. A fire giant warrior is a better choice than a halfling. People can say "my halfling warrior rocked!" but the fact is you probably could have done better as a fire giant than a halfer. High health, strength, and giant size are all huge factors in playing a warrior.

the typical cleric build needs a decent mana base, and moderate health, hence why dwarf clerics tend to be very strong. Having a higher mana base can compensate for lower hp, hence elf clerics also being a popular choice.

To say that faerie is the best without question is purely opinion. It is really up to the player. Faerie can be great, but your margin for error is much slimmer with a faerie, you don't get the hp buffer for mistakes you get from say avians. While Faerie has an easier time getting mana up high, and regening mana, you also get the lowest hp of all the invoker races. So your pros have cons as well. Personally I feel avian to be one of the stronger choices for an invoker if you know the class. While Gnome would be my recommendation for those who wish to try invoker for the first/second time.

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Autofly, autosneak, small size (not as easy for monks to triplock), and because of my train distribution (all hp instead of some into mana), I had more base HP on my faerie than I did on my elf. Any other race requires so many compromises in EQ and doesn't have the same perks. You're right, it is an opinion - but I, personally, will never play another invoker that isn't a faerie.

Also, I'm not going to dispute the fact that you have a log that shows Scholin lag-locking you from bolt to death over such and such number of rounds. But what I will say is that there were probably other factors in play OR Scholin just got extremely lucky with the way his cabal skills, chakeras, etc. laid out. I believe the IMMs would back me up on the premise that it is impossible for a monk to consistently laglock someone from open to close of a fight, regardless of race/class.

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Autofly, autosneak, small size (not as easy for monks to triplock), and because of my train distribution (all hp instead of some into mana), I had more base HP on my faerie than I did on my elf. Any other race requires so many compromises in EQ and doesn't have the same perks. You're right, it is an opinion - but I, personally, will never play another invoker that isn't a faerie.

Also, I'm not going to dispute the fact that you have a log that shows Scholin lag-locking you from bolt to death over such and such number of rounds. But what I will say is that there were probably other factors in play OR Scholin just got extremely lucky with the way his cabal skills, chakeras, etc. laid out. I believe the IMMs would back me up on the premise that it is impossible for a monk to consistently laglock someone from open to close of a fight, regardless of race/class.

It is not impossible. Actually any barbarian can lock anyone start to finish very reliably. I have a log on prayer forum of a fire giant zerk barb laglocking my fire giant zerk glad for over 40 rounds without a single command going through I would gladly post/pm it to you. There are also many logs of my same glad zerk vs Jibbers ogre barb zerk where he laglocked me in the same fashion. There was also a log of Weituo (half elf barb monk) laglocking Waojin (drow syndi DK) for the roughly the same amount of time.

I can agree sometimes luck is a factor for non warmaster monks, but I have seen it happen too consistantly in warmaster for it to be attributed to luck.

which leaves the option of it is a skill and cabal perk combination.

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I could never reliably lag-lock somebody for extended periods unless they were not in flight. As soon as air thrash wore I'd have to be lucky with a chakera or hoping a command had been spammed in to allow me another air thrash and it's still not fail safe. It was never as reliable as you might think in that regard. The reason it may have been more noticeable could be due to fights being over quicker as an invoker. I do recall Bali (I think? Priscilla or something similar) having a Savant Invoker who gave me a beating.h


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Can't see that link right now. But I think I was up against that same FG as my FG. Anume saw the whole 40-60 round lag fight. Mentioned that Imms were conversing about it.

There's also a log of your old sader laglocking Heiku for that same amount of time iirc :rolleyes:

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an enlarged giant "bashlocking" someone is not really on the same level. Espescially since you can see there was a command entered right after the "lock" started. So he got waxed cause of spam. Shufei could not laglock another giant in that manner. He tried vs Krusk, and was unable to.

You can see his sader skill caused 3 rounds of lag, which I feel is normal in giant vs human lag matches. AND he could have gotten out of it in the very beginning.

You can read in my log that i was unable to enter any commands once the lag began.

also that was 30 rounds of consecutive lag with no commands passing through. I saw a barb monk cause over 60 to a drow DK, and I had flofrenz lock me for 48 rounds solid, you can see that Heiku was getting lagged by something 2 size categories larger than him. Both my zerk log, and the dk/monk log shows a person getting lagged longer by someone who is the same size as you.

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