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"Can you get me...?"


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I recall Sirant, an old and very respected Purity IMP, once slew Ergeth, one of his avatars, 4-5 times in a row for requesting an item, and giving it away.

Don't do it.

Sirant was merciful compared to what I'd do to an Avatar I caught doing this.

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Generally, I follow the rule that if I am helping someone get something...and they aren't even -able- to help in the slaying of the mob, then they shouldn't have it.

You've gotta keep in mind, a rank 35 fire giant zerk can do TONS more than a rank 35 Fae voker in terms of mob smushing, so when the fae voker is asking for help I am more likely to give it than the fg zerk.

I am a generous guy when it comes to IG and I bet I've helped too much way too much, but I'm working on it. :D

I think you should help news who -don't- ask for it rather than semi-experienced lazy asses who do. On one of my healer, Synivestis, I used to give out backpacks with like 20 vials, 20 reds, 20 sparkling potions, 10 potions of recall and other random assorted eq/junk that I picked up.

I feel its the responsibility of the experienced pbase to the mud to help newbs out by teaching them the ropes, but not by handing them adeptus torsos and high up eq.

Also, I am more likely to help people according to their position. If I see a rank 20 faerie voker being owned by a rank 25 fg zerk with EQ WAY over their rank...like winter gear, I am probably going to help that voker out by getting him some crazy ac gear to help him stay alive.

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Guest emp_newb

For the most part having ultra gear ac a lowbie only gives you the ac bonus. And I do not care how well trained a lower char is, they will not keep all that ultra eq they will be killed. They just do not have the skill selection to stay alive. So I would say don't help them get it of course, but if you do see an ultra geared lowbie pking, my common practice is to dish out a bounty.

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A point of contest to handing out a bounty on an ultra geared lowbie is who is going to be able to collect it, 90% of the lowbies I've seen armed like pinns are ALL warrior classes of some kind. Now what low level character is going to stand up to Bob the decked FG?

Personaly I'm finding it a little to convenient how many lowbies I've come across in recent days who are wearing gear WAY beyond the scope of their characters ability, there are only so many "lucky" altar loots before it gets a little to "lucky"

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Guest emp_newb
A point of contest to handing out a bounty on an ultra geared lowbie is who is going to be able to collect it, 90% of the lowbies I've seen armed like pinns are ALL warrior classes of some kind. Now what low level character is going to stand up to Bob the decked FG?

Personaly I'm finding it a little to convenient how many lowbies I've come across in recent days who are wearing gear WAY beyond the scope of their characters ability, there are only so many "lucky" altar loots before it gets a little to "lucky"

I do not care who it is what race class it is. They will die. Especially a warrior.

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So what should one do if i summon certain mob to get a certain rod and happen to have a newtral that wished to kill the mob for the rod ?

Should i:

a) Let my group menber kill the good aligned mob in front of me.

B) Request a rod and give it to him.

c) Give him my rod and request a new one. (its same as B)

d) Kill him. (remenber you are good)

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A thief fully decked in ultra rare **** isn't that crazy. I know i did it with all my thieves... kinda just wait around town for 2 pinns to just fight and steal the stuff. It's an easy way to get Great EQ. I realize it was morally wrong in terms on the game, but RP with Greed i don't think i was in the red.

AND I gaurentee that i had a bounty placed on my head for doing **** like that so it kinda evens out that part (although i am now prepared for most classes to come and get me).

But as such as a Invoker/Battlemage/ect. With ubber gear. I can understand up to a certain point (a couple ubber items).

now to the question of "Do i give it to him".

1st i ask... Does he deserve it? Is there an RP, or personal reason why i would be giving my extra ubber gear away to a lowbie like that. And the answer is usually no unless they are a decent lvl to be able to use stuff like that.

2nd i ask... How is this character going to use it? If he is already an EXCELENT PKer (from knowledge). I'll be damned if i'll give it to him. Now if he is decent at PKing i would choose... And if he was crappy i would give it to him hoping to give him some advantage.

Those are my two rules, if i am wrong.... tell me.

Later all

-The body of a baby hippo... The speed of a Mongoose

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So what should one do if i summon certain mob to get a certain rod and happen to have a newtral that wished to kill the mob for the rod ?

Should i:

a) Let my group menber kill the good aligned mob in front of me.

B) Request a rod and give it to him.

c) Give him my rod and request a new one. (its same as B)

d) Kill him. (remenber you are good)

Ungroup and leave would be my choice if he won't respect your wishes.

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Guest emp_newb

you have a few choices depending on your rp.

you could:

A) Suggest he merely use another weapon.

B) Remove them and leave.

C) Protect the value of light and its innocence.


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I've done this more than a few times. Give him mine, request another and ask that he return the one he borrowed when we are done ranking. And once with a crazed minotaur zerker groupmate that attacked as soon as I sat down during the request....well, I left him behind raged with an undead ranger.

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A) Tell him if he touches the mob you'll kill him.

B) If you can, heal the mob.

C) If you already have one, Give him YOUR rod and DON'T get a new one. That way it is rpwise -you- taking the hit, not the the mob. ;)

D) Run further away, and resummon the mob. Rinse Repeat until the mob is real far away.

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I don't know if I would condone interferring with the player's kill of the mob. Healing/summoning/buffing mobs is pushing the limits of the game/rp balance. Giving away a requested item is asking for an open-handed slap to the face. I think your own solution is the best one - even the ones I wouldn't try.

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Follow Chayesh's rule. Don't give out equipment that they otherwise could not get in a group of 2-3. My policy is usually don't give out equipment unless they can get it by themself (although most of the time I don't give out equipment period.) I would think this would also apply to evening up the eq discrepancy of a overpowered fire zerk and a faerie invoker (commenting about Warpnow's post). Chances are that the fire zerk worked for that eq instead of getting presents through a corpse or from higher ups. I would give them the benefit of a doubt, since I know from my past characs and other people's characs that powerful rare eq are scattered throughout the levels.

In low levels, eq doesn't matter as much as tactic. Since all the overpowered eq has level restrictions, not to mention the fact that having extraordinary high dam/hit at lower level doesn't help greatly, it would probably be best to go with items that you can get by yourself at that level.

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