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Phew. How do I manage to do really well with a Dwarf Zerk Tribby... and suck massively with a Demon DK Nexus?! :P

I threw the towel in pretty early with these guys. Rhonjei was doing really well but due to some things I won't get into I sacced all my rares and cabal left, and immediately felt that overwhelming, bitter urge to try and just roll a power combo - hence Cacophulant. I've taken a few days since my last death with the Demon so as to know it's not just a rage delete, and after those few days my mind is made up.

Suffice to say, I'll never play another DK ever again. It's the only time I've felt consistently stressed over a character thanks to malforms. I spent most of my time without them, trying to get them, losing them early and feeling that sense of frustration that I've never really felt before. My RP dwindled to a few simple alias emotes as I spent log-in sessions trying to take out people for the sake of malform strength and I felt less connection to my character and more connection to that glowing, humming little piece of weaponry in my inventory.

I'm going to focus on what I love doing most with my next character - zany, quirky characters that are a hell of a lot more fun to play than a mindless aggressive machine.

I can think of one real shoutout - Bekael. Great, great character.

Chars have cabal left and all rares have been sacced. I am 100% sure on wanting both denied, please.


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Ugh, you got me twice when I wasn't paying attention. I got you back when I was. I understand the pk frustration.

On the other hand, Rp losing its focus tends to happen. Next time, roll another lowbie and level them up. Make them completely different than your main. Play them a little while and then go back to your main. I'm sure you'll feel better about it at least.

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Yeah you smashed one of my chars while they had maybe five pieces of gear' date=' no rp, just bashlock.[/quote']

It's not good is it? The worst part is that I knew I was doing it, and felt like if I wasn't taking every opportunity I saw to improve my malform then I would be shooting myself in the foot. I don't need that kind of stress in something I play for fun.


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If only you could have equipped, and started a malform and got it high enough in level. You would have been an absolute beast. So damned persistent! Very good char, I really enjoyed fighting you.. even if it meant so much frustration on my end!

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It's not good is it? The worst part is that I knew I was doing it, and felt like if I wasn't taking every opportunity I saw to improve my malform then I would be shooting myself in the foot. I don't need that kind of stress in something I play for fun.


I was suprised it was you. In the past, as both enemy and ally, your characters always embodied a mix of pk and rp.

I understand your point thoug, about malforms. I had the same issue with my last avatar, you get so focused on the power building mechanic sometimes.

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Wow Dey, I never would have guessed that was you. My first few interactions with Caco I thought he was played by a vet, then as I battled him more and more I started thinking it was actually a noob (no offense). I hope I didn't frustrate you too much, at least you were doing well enough in PK against others! The nice thing about a DK reaver is that you don't REALLY need malforms since you have those juicy chaos weapons, well... Best of luck with your next, and speaking of zany I started thinking you were Achskel for a while, haha.

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