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A Last Farewell, From Despiser and Martineius


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Martineius was an excellent character. It is really disappointing to see him end this way.

My Quick Rant:

You know, the playerbase continually cries out that people do not RP anymore. They cry out that people do the same old cookie cutter RP. Yet, here comes a character that does something different, and he is labelled a cheater and should be outcasted. Let me tell you all something. Martineius was watched closely by most of the IMMs. I can personally account that he did not break his RP at any given moment. He was not your typical kill everything that moves evil. I think a comparison would be Galvatar-style evil -- The cold blooded (no pun intended) calm and collected evil politician that would smile in your face while plotting some way to stab a knife in your heart. Here you have a character that almost single-handedly rewrites most of Aabahran's laws-- and provides opportunities for players to get heavily involved in the political life of the world. (Are the IMMs the only ones who were salivating at how much RP opportunity was inherent in the creation of the cabal? The conflicts? The potential?) Was he a tyrant? YES. That was the point. The fact that he was such a tyrant provided an excellent opportunity for some kind of successful overthrow if there was enough IG (notice how I state in-game and not OOC AIM) RPed planning. Perhaps the Knights? Warmasters? Savants? Nexus? Perhaps every single citizen could demand his overthrow. Perhaps an In game petition. Plenty of things could have been done, yet most characters were afraid of the RP consequences. Afraid both IC and OOC. You see, RP is not forcing what outcome you want, but rolling with the punches of what is handed before you. Once again, the playerbase gets what they wanted, and instead of rolling with the punches, they cry foul.

To the guy that complained about "IF the IMMs fixed bugs", you can shove it. When Behrens has the time, he will fix the bug. That is a promise. Until then -- sad to say it will have to be dealt with on a case by case basis. If we say we will look into a situation, we -will- look into it. To everyone else; I am sorry that we cannot always cater to every single player, but if you look at the one of the threads above this one you will see that Behrens is very willing to code on a full time basis provided that money can be raised to pay his salary.

/End Rant

Now. With all of that said. I wish you luck in your life Despiser. As always, if you ever feel like you want to come back or that you have free time to roll up a character then feel free.

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Bro, me and you have fought along side, and against each other on a competitive level that I dont' really think anyone can compete with. The Iyorvin - Shendarmarin battles were huge. My vamp and your paladin. Your turned herald dk and my cleric. Even Cary and Zelvhaeth ended up having to fight. As much as everyone thinks I may have made Araye to try to 'end' you(werebeast ranger isn't going to end anyone), well that is their oppinion. I know we BOTH get our kicks fighting each other, and, although I did have problems with things, you were still always respected by me.

I think you leaving is a sad day for a couple major reasons. The first being you led by example and were always something a player strove to become. Second, you always involved the players around you, and your only flaw was that you had to be the best.

Peace bro.

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I cannot believe it came to this.

Seriously, in my opinion of having played this game for years, some of the most unique RP since Irpel, whom I loved. It takes skill, cunning, and dedication to "take over the world" and you did just that. It was without a doubt Galvatar reincarnated, only this time, the game mechanics were in place to create the world that Galvatar would have surely made if Royals had been different in his lifespan. I cannot tell you how bummed I am that this golden opportunity for RP passed the playerbase by. As Malchaeius said, and as I have posted previously, I don't think it's yet sunk in what has been lost just in the passing of this character. It is my sincere hope and prayer that the old adage is true, "You don't know what you've got until it's gone" and that the players as a whole recognize what could have been. Some of you do from your posts. Others I'm hoping it will dawn on you. But nevertheless, I'm sure that somehow, some way, we'll get Despiser back.

And you'll know it by the squeals of his victims.

I normally don't tip my hat to deletes, but in this case, I'll make an exception in honor of another classic character.

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Hmm, I don't know what to say here either. I have mixed feelings about vamps and agree with some that they should not be allowed to become cabal leaders. However, as RP goes, Marti was stellar. PK as well, but let's face it, he was a vamp with a cabal skill that makes running difficult. Not an entirely tough combo to PK with.

As for Despiser leaving, shame to see it. The only other char of your's that I fought was Shendemarin, that I know of.

However....I will say this. Having Marti out of Trib will help two things:

1) Help others in Trib stand out a little more

2) Help restore some of the "balance" to outcast cabals

Let's just hope people use his RP standard as a template, not to duplicate but to uphold.

I'm sure we'll see you in a few months ;)

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I still cant beleive that people will use a goodbye post to one of if not the best player FL has seen since its beginning to point out flaws in the game that they Beleive to be true. I can guarantee you without a doubt that ANY person would not have been able to do what Despiser did with a Vampire in the same position. Period.

With that, I will make it official since my temp bann has kept me away from the game for close to three months and with Despiser leaving, and since before, I have not had a desire to come back.

So goodbye from Sashe, Khylandri, Kiyana, Malynne, Saisha, and Esthaenie. There were more, but these were my favorites. It was due to Despiser, his RP, his teaching me how to PK, his level of RP that I looked up to and strived to emulate in every way. Thanks to him, until I joined Tribunal, I had finally had a positive PK ration on Esthaenie. Tribunal is not as overpowered as people beleive it to be. Roll one, get your *** handed to you a little bit then whine.

Would the Imms please get rid of Saisha and Esthaenie and keep the bann in place.

It has been fun, I have been here since beta, but it is time for me to move on and live my life, real life, instead of a fantasy I have made my life.

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That is such an unbelievable shame. Just wow.

Despy you already know you are and will always be one of my favorite players. Your standards of RP and PK are amazing and always gave me something to aspire to. And no matter who you were playing it always seemed that I (as well as others) were drawn to you just because of sheer talent. It is sad to think that you are leaving just because others want to vent all of their frustrations out of game instead of doing something in game.

Think about it people. He was, for all analytical purposes, an evil politician/cop, tyrannical even. That's not out of character or unfair in any rule breaking way. That's just different RP. How should your character fight this? WITH RP! Such a simple concept to loose an amazing player over.

I'm still going to hold out hope that one day you'll come back, and I'll hope to run into you when you do.

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Wow, sorry I couldn't make it till page 4, but I thought I would atleast say something. Marty was a very interesting char, I dunno bout overpowered but strong to say the least. Maybe the cabal powers were a bit overboard for a vamp, but I think even if there is another vamp in tribunbal, will he be equally as powerful, in rp and pk. Doubtful. There was a time when I wanted to kill you, well everyone I suppose, but I gave in just tried to have fun. Take it easy in the future.:D

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Well for one, you WERE fun as could be. I had a lot of lowbies who I would intentionally break laws just to get some fun RP with you, and you knew your stuff to the dot. I fought you over loopholes over laws (Even though few actually existed and the damnable Judicial Discretion killed all loopholes) but to see such a prominent char interact with lowbies like that is far more than admirable. What if I was a very new player? Getting interaction like that from such a prominent player DEFINITELY would have made my day. Lots of people say that IMM interaction is important, but for lowbies like that getting ANY recognition from a stand out player (Even any pinns at all for a new player is FREAKIN GREAT). Marty put a smile on my face many a time, and yes, even though my last umpteen newly rolled characters were imspired chars made mainly to try to drop Marty, I'm very saddened to see him go.

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I have tears to mt eyes just looking over your post bro, you among few left were there to help me away form the AOL phase I came in with. More then willing to give me advice, yet always telling dont ask questions like that on AIM. Your one of two who lead me to the straight and narrow. I noticed someone said something about Ranger Watchers just to kill marty, and I hope you all know, Yewahntull was never made to overthrow marty. She was made long before tribunals.

I hope I was not one to chase you away, I had a blast on countless occasions RPing with you, and bitching at you about your other tribunals. I will say not like I have said in other threads. You the ONE tribunal whom was always straight with me.

Though I think the combo is overpowered, I in no way think you intentionally made it, so as it maybe, no fault to you.


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You know what I dont get? Maybe his character WAS over powered..who cares? He was smart enough to roll one up and use it. Frankly I think any class he played he did well with.

Sad to see you go.


I still recall the **** storm around Kentry..I never did understand people losing their minds...

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We had some mammoth battles years ago, I guess one might have even considered us arch-enemies however I didn't really get to interact with Martineus (minus a conversation of two). Farewell, I got jack of it all and left for a couple of years, perhaps the day will come when you also return.


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In all my years here, both active and nonactive, this is definitely one of the most saddening turn of events. We can only hope that more quality players like Despiser will flourish through the examples he set. Best of luck in all your endeavors man.

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My character's heading down a road I didn't want him to take, without you there. :-(

I don't think I'll last much longer.

Good, now you're all mine. I hardly ever disrespect other players, imms nor have I ever gotten banned here. I know I may get a forum ban for my posts but from the stuff Martin's done to me, some of it illegal, I think this is nothing compared to what he's done to me. And now is as good a chance as any to use up some of my nine lives, so to speak.

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