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A Last Farewell, From Despiser and Martineius


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Illegal by your judgment, but never by ours from my recollection.

Let's be REAL clear before you go trying to besmirch the name of longtime classic player.

Try and start a flame again, and we'll be without your services and comments for a minimum 10 days.

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Well I never brought up the truly illegal stuff, I was far too angry at the time, I just want to play the game to have fun and if people(which can be anyone, not just picking on martineius here) want to cheat and do whatever it takes to be on top, fine you can have it, its just sad people in-game forget others are human beings. But you won't hear much from me anymore, I already said what I wanted.

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Well I never brought up the truly illegal stuff' date=' I was far too angry at the time, I just want to play the game to have fun and if people(which can be anyone, not just picking on martineius here) want to cheat and do whatever it takes to be on top, fine you can have it, its just sad people in-game forget others are human beings. But you won't hear much from me anymore, I already said what I wanted.[/quote']

Then it's your fault. You don't report alleged cheating, deal with it instead of whining after the fact. We can't fix it if no one says anything.

Secondly, if you think Despiser needed to "cheat" as you allege to beat two-thirds of the playerbase, yourself included, then you need to check yourself as you've departed from reality. Looneysville, population: You. I'm not worshipping the guy, but hell, I'm also a realist. Many of us have been here a while and I don't think you'll find a different opinion on that. And his character, probably more than most qclasses, was watched heavily by the IMM staff. So to accuse him of successfully cheating is to indict the IMM staff who must have allowed him to do so without punishment. Certainly, you aren't calling my staff a bunch of cheaters, are you?

Thirdly, let's all drop the illusion that we are such good players that when someone beats us, it's not due to their skill or our mistakes, but someone cheated, or abused a bug, or the IMMs twinked their characters, or their overpowered, or some other complete BS. Certainly, those things happen, but EVERY TIME? Come on. I die, other IMMs die, it's part of the game. Stop the insanity and just admit you got beat. Learn, improve, try a different strategy, and then go beat them. Or die again and learn more. Either way, you get better. You gain knowledge. You improve. Stop telling yourself how good you are and do something about getting better because no matter how good you are, you can still improve and you still WILL die. It's a given.

Lastly, you would probably best be served by not calling out others on issues you yourself are guilty of doing as well. Take a bit of your own medicine when it comes to "doing whatever it takes to get ahead" if you don't care for it done to you.


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I will admit. I have rolled and pinned chars in hopes of just killing Martineius. What happens when you kill the the top pker to date? You become famous for killing him. You get glory because you beat him. But did you really beat him? Or did you just make some trash char that is a vamp killer and nothing more? I got beat man. I got TORE UP. I fought alot of Despiser's chars and they punk me all day long. Gnaskig chumped me hard, couldn't do ****. Cariousus did the same. The guy is, quite simply, the best. Take it however you want. But since Virigoth left, he has become the best. Others were equal or just under, but never better. And anyone who says any different is a liar. We all asked for a char that was strong and crap, yeah well we got one and he was strong and crap and alot of us couldn't take it. I eventually gave up and just made something that I knew I'd have fun on. And guess what, I do have fun on him. I realize now that alot of what I said, I said out of anger. I wish I didn't say it, but hey, I did.

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I, on the otherhand...am just an @$$hole by nature. I take no glory in it and regret alot of things I do and say, both in public and on the interweb.

I've attempted to apologize to you privately, Despiser, but it looked as though you were having some technical difficulties. So let me do it public.

Two years ago, or something close to it, there was a political debate in which I took offense to something you said. I over-reacted and called you a few things that were extremely racial and very hateful. It is not my true persona to think those things and if you knew me in person, you'd know I am far from racist or anything. Does that make things right? Hell no. But, I wouldn't be who I am today if I couldn't own up to the mistakes I've made and do the right thing. And with that....I wish things did not turn out the way they did. You accused me of spear-heading some anti-Marty thing...when in fact, that one thread was the only time I voiced an opinion abour your character. Ever.

You are an excellent PKer and an astonishing RPer. No one is perfect, but you were nearing the boundary.

And just to get it off my chest...yes. I was a cheater. I didn't abuse bugs or do things to make my char uber strong @ 50 and most the crap i pulled didn't hurt anyone. But yes, I was notorious for giving away old characters, dropping a bag of mithril here and there. I own up to everything I've done here in FL and wish no pardon or pity, I was dumb to ignore the rules and I always got what was coming to me. I thank the makers that I am still allowed to play, because it is an awesome thing to be able to sit down with people like you and festorvian and so many others and get a real fix in the lands. I've yet to find a game/community that is more fulfilling.

In short....I am exactly what you say I am and you are far from what I probably put you out as.

...now, before anyone starts crying.......come back damnit. :(

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I never interacted with this character but it sounds like you were doing something right with all the whining I saw... good job Desp. Since your thingy says banned... you prolly wont read this... but im gunna say it anyway: Its been a pleasure interacting with your characters and enjoy real life.

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Then it's your fault. You don't report alleged cheating, deal with it instead of whining after the fact. We can't fix it if no one says anything.

Secondly, if you think Despiser needed to "cheat" as you allege to beat two-thirds of the playerbase, yourself included, then you need to check yourself as you've departed from reality. Looneysville, population: You. I'm not worshipping the guy, but hell, I'm also a realist. Many of us have been here a while and I don't think you'll find a different opinion on that. And his character, probably more than most qclasses, was watched heavily by the IMM staff. So to accuse him of successfully cheating is to indict the IMM staff who must have allowed him to do so without punishment. Certainly, you aren't calling my staff a bunch of cheaters, are you?

Thirdly, let's all drop the illusion that we are such good players that when someone beats us, it's not due to their skill or our mistakes, but someone cheated, or abused a bug, or the IMMs twinked their characters, or their overpowered, or some other complete BS. Certainly, those things happen, but EVERY TIME? Come on. I die, other IMMs die, it's part of the game. Stop the insanity and just admit you got beat. Learn, improve, try a different strategy, and then go beat them. Or die again and learn more. Either way, you get better. You gain knowledge. You improve. Stop telling yourself how good you are and do something about getting better because no matter how good you are, you can still improve and you still WILL die. It's a given.

Lastly, you would probably best be served by not calling out others on issues you yourself are guilty of doing as well. Take a bit of your own medicine when it comes to "doing whatever it takes to get ahead" if you don't care for it done to you.


Well that's the thing, he surely does not need to cheat which is why what happened to me boggles me so much. I don't care if I lose, I lost so my times to him and i'm not claiming to be the best. Its when I do beat him get all his wares then he does some ooc stuff that really just irks me. And I do complain on the prayer forum but always get the we'll look into it and nothing happens. Its just became a waste of time. Which is why I think one of you imms must play Martineius. He's just got too much support from you guys for me not to believe it. Again you're thinking i'm mad because he beat me, because I believe he's overpowered etc. That's not the case. Its that one player was given too much power to do what he wants and was backed by so much support from you guys, I don't see how its fair for the ,what! 50 other people that play here. Its amazing to see so many complaints shot down and so many good players go because of this one guy, combo, bug whatever it is. But I guess i'm wrong for thinking about the other people that play here. I just didn't want a player who first hand showed me (can't say because I may get banned) get so much glorification. Hah, if only you guys knew. And no I don't think you all are cheaters, I refuse to believe it, though something is/was definitely out of place here.

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Well that's the thing' date=' he surely does not need to cheat which is why what happened to me boggles me so much. I don't care if I lose, I lost so my times to him and i'm not claiming to be the best. Its when I do beat him get all his wares then he does some ooc stuff that really just irks me. And I do complain on the prayer forum but always get the we'll look into it and nothing happens. Its just became a waste of time. Which is why I think one of you imms must play Martineius. He's just got too much support from you guys for me not to believe it. Again you're thinking i'm mad because he beat me, because I believe he's overpowered etc. That's not the case. Its that one player was given too much power to do what he wants and was backed by so much support from you guys, I don't see how its fair for the ,what! 50 other people that play here. Its amazing to see so many complaints shot down and so many good players go because of this one guy, combo, bug whatever it is. But I guess i'm wrong for thinking about the other people that play here. I just didn't want a player who first hand showed me (can't say because I may get banned) get so much glorification. Hah, if only you guys knew. And no I don't think you all are cheaters, I refuse to believe it, though something is/was definitely out of place here.[/quote']

I'm sorry but, to put it politely, you are completely full of it.

Every question or complaint you've ever made was responded to, many times with tips on what you should do differently. Either that, or you were told nothing was amiss. Do NOT paint this as some IMM cheating thing or that the IMMs don't care.

You want to discuss this? Bring it to the prayer forum. I refuse to throw mud in public, unless you make it public. We are professionals and attempt to act like it, no matter how much we may be tempted to do otherwise.

Now stop dumping on this thread. You've said your "goodbye", now drive through.

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