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I was always against the aging thing.. I remember I played Lirard back in the day and one time I logged on to find my str and con were lowered...

Try being a halfling warrior with lowered str/con, it ruined me! Totally not fair for melees.

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At 50, the -str, -dex, -con is just roundly painful no matter what the class. Regardless of melee class, it lowers your ability to block and parry. As a mage, you're at 50 and extra int/wis won't affect your mana. The different in +1 int, on average, is of the smallest order. Even more so for wisdom, as most won't see any mana regen gains from it either.

Beyond the simple idea that it throws a glancing gimp at you, I find it fairly presumptuous to say that every character gets weaker, and less agile as they age, and somehow gets more intelligent and wise. This just simply isn't the case. A person could just as easily become less intelligent as they age, or somewhere halfway through their life decide to train themselves to be more agile or stronger. Lifestyle affects these things just as much as this general aging theory that is applied.

A better system, to me, would be one where your character would get weaker if he doesn't stay active. Your character was idle for 2 months? Okay, you come back, and you find yourself weaker. Even then I wouldn't make this permanent, but after a very long duration of activity, you could regain lost strength.

But either way, 1 less str, con, and dex won't make me stop playing a character that I enjoy. If it is designed to encourage turnover(cept for elves, etc I guess) it will only work on those who are overtly concerned overy a few points here and there rather than the real bulk of their character. I just think that it shouldn't be so automatic and arbitrary.

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Yeah, but an 80 year old man would not be as strong or quick as a 20 year old. Also, chances are you might go senile or get alzhimers (sp?) or something like that. Wouldn't it suck if you got gimped in inteligence and strength? At least this way, your only taking half of what could be.

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Well, if we get too far into this logic of realistic age...an 80 year old man would have strength of like 5 and wouldn't be able to dodge to save his life.

I just think that the system should be removed because it is just tinkering at something that need not be messed with and probably couldn't be handled right in the best of situations.

For RP purposes I'm totally happy with some line at the bottom of a your description that shows your age, etc..

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