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Can anyone offer an tips on this?

I have seen the Allistan and then now a huge gorilla.. but dont know where to get them and is the gorilla the highest one?

EDIT: Might make a good guide! Like the consumable one ;)

EDIT: Thanks to you know who for help in game!

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The Alsasian one you can get at the Elven Kingdon at L8.

The huge gorrilla at L20 at the same place.

Best L30 is either a Gharinizon (basher) from the Duergar town, or a Soldier (dirter) from Avian town (harder to get to).

You can also purchase a scroll of STONE golen at L10 (or is it 5) in the Drow city. The idea is to recast it at L15 to get a L15 stone golem (max level is 15).

The Alsatian alows you to murder Snails, and the L15 Stone Golem will tank you most of emerald to mid twenties. A mage can hunt in emerald with a AC armor and both this pets.

Just cast faerie fire to decrease opponents AC, and then AFF spells.

Also buy the Halfling shop gear, as these is very good for low levels.

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Haha, before this gets out of hand....She's not that bad, we just love giving her a hard time. She's a very helpful person with the best intentions, but english is not her native language and sometimes she seems to give advice on some things she perhaps hasn't had the best experience with in game, so the information comes across weird.

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Mya deserves a lot more credit than he receives.

And to be very fair, the aff saves vs melee argument is actually not a bad one, especially against the double oprog bugged blademasters.

Honestly, I think a lot more misinformation comes from other players...and staff.

All of that "random" testing just means he knows a lot of stuff that we do not.

Most of his trouble is social--stemming from miscommunication (MUDders seem to think of themselves as a prestige group of language people...so they look at how he says it, rather than his intended meaning) rather than any logic or intelligence faults. And maybe that he hasn't been able to back his words with dominant PK chars--which is no problem.

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Mya deserves a lot more credit than he receives.

And to be very fair, the aff saves vs melee argument is actually not a bad one, especially against the double oprog bugged blademasters.

Honestly, I think a lot more misinformation comes from other players...and staff.

All of that "random" testing just means he knows a lot of stuff that we do not.

Most of his trouble is social--stemming from miscommunication (MUDders seem to think of themselves as a prestige group of language people...so they look at how he says it, rather than his intended meaning) rather than any logic or intelligence faults. And maybe that he hasn't been able to back his words with dominant PK chars--which is no problem.

I always thought this.

Mya is like me.. THEY (not She or he just incase) Has been here a long timr and knows alot just can not DOMINATE.

Except I have been ehre a long time, don't know much and can not dominate.

Also our language is not native English and we are always misunderstood :)

Man someone PM me. I need a coach! plz ? No kidding :(

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Would a Gharizon or a Soldier do more dmg?

I had a lvl 15 Tiger from falen dara and while it hit for less it his 2-3 times per round + tripped & bashed.

It TO ME did more dmg then when I got the Gharizon(sp) Both On Soldiers in tombs.


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The progression goes like this:

LVL8 - Alsatian

LVL20 - Gorilla

LVL30 - Soldier

Stone Golem - buy it as soon as possible (if you have scrolls), it's good for taking hits against mobs that deal physical damange.

That Gharizon is not very useful when it comes to hunting.

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