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Super Noob travel question?


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Keypad guy here...

As it was said earlier, I can tell you that it's 15 east, s, e, e, e, e, n, e, e, u, e, u, u, and 13 east from the CC of Val Miran to the CC of Malebrim. I can do that for a LOT of places, and it's the KEY to fast running.

I however use a slightly different setup for my keypad than anyone else has mentioned so far...

KP 7 = west

KP 8 = north

KP 9 = east

KP 4 = where

KP 5 = south

KP 6 = where PK

KP 1 = up

KP 2 = stand

KP 3 = down

It's basically preference, but that's what I like to use. I also from time to time will run by entering the first letter of the direction and pressing enter, but in a PK running situation, i'm on my KP for directions.


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I still use the keyboard

I've talked to Hit and run a lot about his preference way of chasing, simply because he is the fastest chaser I know. Him and MF probably.

H&R is a very cool guy and that has allowed me to do A LOT of investigation on how he chases, and I will share some of my insight with you. You will be surprised...

btw, you really need to teach me to chase...

22/05/2011 20:08

Dennis Alenkvist

maybe, if you stop reporting me

let me ask you. Do you move your hands when you run and type?

22/05/2011 20:10

Panayot Grudev

well, one hand enters the directions, other presses enter.

22/05/2011 20:10

Dennis Alenkvist

hm, ok. I don't move my hands at all, only my fingers slightly

and my right little finger on enter

22/05/2011 20:11

Panayot Grudev

you use a keyboard with enter on 2 lines?

22/05/2011 20:11

Dennis Alenkvist


22/05/2011 20:11

Panayot Grudev

yeah same.

I press enter with the finger right next to my small finger though

do you scan a lot?

or you where a lot?

22/05/2011 20:11

Dennis Alenkvist

I where more than I scan

only scan when in areas where rooms are the same

22/05/2011 20:12

Panayot Grudev

and how do you find people so easily?

like for example

how did you find me yesterday

when I was in the slaughterhouse?

22/05/2011 20:12

Dennis Alenkvist

I followed you

saw you went north from val

22/05/2011 20:14

Panayot Grudev

I've seen logs how you fight

you got an alias with J

what stands under J?

22/05/2011 20:14

Dennis Alenkvist

murder usually

22/05/2011 20:14

Panayot Grudev

you have an alias with ?

and why j?

22/05/2011 20:14

Dennis Alenkvist

or bash, if I'm a big bad demon

22/05/2011 20:15

Panayot Grudev

thats like, right between my two hands... it's far from both.

22/05/2011 20:16

Dennis Alenkvist

it's perfect for me. Right pointing finger at j, and little finger on enter

22/05/2011 20:16

Panayot Grudev

I can't stretch my fingers that much...



you use zmud?

22/05/2011 20:22

Dennis Alenkvist


22/05/2011 20:23

Panayot Grudev

when you type the direction key, and press enter, the direction key is not deleted?

so if you wan to go the same direction, you just press enter again?

22/05/2011 20:23

Dennis Alenkvist



22/05/2011 20:23

Panayot Grudev

I thought so

22/05/2011 20:23

Dennis Alenkvist



like that

22/05/2011 20:23

Panayot Grudev


not w-enter-enter?

22/05/2011 20:23

Dennis Alenkvist


22/05/2011 20:23

Panayot Grudev

so when you hit W, you don't have to press enter?

22/05/2011 20:24

Dennis Alenkvist

i do..

22/05/2011 20:24

Panayot Grudev

okay, you have to go west twice

how do you do it?


or just w-w?

22/05/2011 20:24

Dennis Alenkvist



w enter w enter

22/05/2011 20:24

Panayot Grudev

so you don't press enter?


toy serious...

22/05/2011 20:24

Dennis Alenkvist


22/05/2011 20:25

Panayot Grudev

my client remember the last entered direction

if I have to go west twice

i do


not w-enter-w-enter

22/05/2011 20:25

Dennis Alenkvist

ok, maybe that's nice. Haven't tested it

I don't really feel like I need it though

22/05/2011 20:25

Panayot Grudev

you definetely don't lol...

I can't really believe you press directions every time man...

22/05/2011 20:26

Dennis Alenkvist


22/05/2011 20:28

Panayot Grudev

I bet your connections is just sickly fast

22/05/2011 20:29

Dennis Alenkvist

well, there is a built-in delay. I could be a lot faster if it wasn't there

I just press enter instead of the client doing it for me, like in your case

22/05/2011 20:30

Panayot Grudev

I press enter too every time, but I don't have to type in the direction.

the client remembers my last command.

so if I want to repeat it, i just type enter again, since it is already in the text field.

22/05/2011 20:31

Dennis Alenkvist

I think the biggest difference is that I have a finger ready at any letter faster

22/05/2011 20:31

Panayot Grudev

I thing the biggest difference is that your hands are just enormous

22/05/2011 20:32

Dennis Alenkvist

heh, yeah my fingers are longer than normal

22/05/2011 20:32

Panayot Grudev

how do you press N for example

which hand and finger?

22/05/2011 20:32

Dennis Alenkvist

right pointing finger

and little finger on enter as always

22/05/2011 20:32

Panayot Grudev

I can't stretch my hand that much for example.

I press it with my left pointing finger

22/05/2011 20:33

Dennis Alenkvist

when I press h I have to move my hand slightly

22/05/2011 20:33

Panayot Grudev

it would be terribly slow if you have to move 10 times north for example...

22/05/2011 20:33

Dennis Alenkvist

which is why j is better for spamming

for me

22/05/2011 20:33

Panayot Grudev


22/05/2011 20:33

Dennis Alenkvist











22/05/2011 20:33

Panayot Grudev


by my standards, you are using like the lame-est chasing patterns, yet you are still the fastest chaser.

22/05/2011 20:34

Dennis Alenkvist

guess I have an advantage there

I have learnt to keep my fingers in a row on the keyboard, so I can reach any letter fast

but yeah, also reaching enter with my little finger is an advantage

I'm also using a laptop, with a slightly smaller keyboard

22/05/2011 20:36

Panayot Grudev

you chase very fast man, I don't think you realize it actually

you play on laptop?


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