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Help with client functions for cmud


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Wondering if anyone uses cmud, I have version 2.27 I think not sure and it's not the newest one. I anyone is familiar with it if really appreciate help with triggers alias and really getting the most out of my client. I've used it in other MUDs but not for fl and I never got very far Learning how to use it.

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A quick look at the zMUD (which seems simliar to cMUD??) help shows that its fairly similiar in these regards to other clients.


#alias will set your aliases from the command line, eg:

#alias v {murder L-A} sets v to 'murder L-A' Remember to use {} if you need spaces.


#variable sets variables. Variables can them be called (in aliases for example) by putting @ before the variable name. It's easier to understand with an example:

#variable prey {L-A}


You should see 'L-A' sent to the MUD when you enter 'prey' Don't forget you need to put the @ in front of the variable name when you call it so the client knows its a variable.

A more useful example would be:

#alias prey {#variable prey {%1}}

#alias v {murder @prey}

Complex as we are doing several things in the first line:

  1. Creating a new alias 'prey'
  2. Calling a variable to set the value of the alias 'prey'
  3. Setting the variable to the %1 - which is the next thing on the line

This allows the quick of targets setting I've previously spoken about (on other threads). So if you enter the following:

prey L-A


You should see 'murder L-A' sent to the MUD. Now enter:

prey dryad


And you should see 'murder dryad' sent to the MUD.

You should be getting the feeling that being able to quickly change variables allows you to stop resetting all you aliases everytime you need a diffeent target or piece of equipment. Things like:

#alias container {#variable {%1}}

#alias vial {open @container;get vial @container;quaff vial;close @container}

container backpack

And you'll go to your backpack for for the vial (the last line calling the alias to set the variable). If you changed from a backpack to a sack you then enter:

container sack

And now when you type 'vial' you'll go looking in your sack instead of your backpack. If you don't already know you can use backpack, 2.backpack, 3.backpack to refer to multiple items of the same kind in your inventory. All you sanc might be in your backpack and your detect invis pills in your 2.backpack - so you can set your aliases accordingly.

Have a go above and post the output if it doesn't work and we can debug it from there.



PS - I'll look into triggers shortly and post something.

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  • 3 months later...

I use Cmud and here is what I do for targeting. It is a bit primitive.

#Alias Target = %-1;#show {Your next victim is: %ansi(red,bright)%-1%ansi(reset)}

Then all you have to do is

t Serinkane.

The mud will show:

Your next victim is: Serinkane.

Then you do something like this

#alias {b} {blackjack @target}

Then when you hit b, enter you will blackjack the target.

Alternately, if you hit t with no value, you can throw commands with your alias without a target which is useful in battle.

If you have a keyboard with a numpad, you can turn numlock on and use the macros to quick walk. A macro is like a alias but you don't have to hit enter after the command, so it is a "quick key".

In Cmud, hit the MACROS tab at top

Then on the top right of the window will be a field called PACKAGES


This will open up the default numpad values for cmud.

Once you hit english keypad the numpad keys should appear to the left. Click each one to see its default value in cmud an then you can change them.

For example on my numpad I have

5= north






7= al (which corresponds to #alias {al} {scan all}


These ONLY work when numlock is on.

ADD (+) = a skill

SUB (-)= a skill

Also you can use a semi-colon to do multiple commands under one alias

#alias {fly} {get flight 2.back; quaff flight}

#alias {br} {get brew bag; quaff brew; drop brew; dance}

I also make use of bright colors to track effects.

#Trigger {A white aura surrounds*} {#color white,bright}

#trigger {You step out of the shadows*} {#color red,bright}

I use different colors for effects and also I color them when they drop.

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