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Dead cabals, possible solution.

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Recently, FL has seen some trendy cabal activity that makes one cabal the shiznit for a month or two, then slowly fades a la Warmaster and, more recently, Tribunal. Knight was dead and recently came back to life. Same with Syndicate and Watcher (for obvious reasons).

However, there seem to be clans full of hopefuls that would love the opportunity and challenge of being in a cabal. Let's face it, being a Tribunal is a tough job and having to put up with the clan process is even more of a deterrant. I was wondering if, for Tribunal at least (maybe even warmaster), the induction requirements should be relaxed to get the cabal(s) on their feet again.

This may be premature for Tribunal, but Warmaster has been dead for over 2 months.


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I'm pretty sure that if there are people applying with decent rp, the cabal imm will induct them. Obviously I don't know this for sure, but I'm betting this is the case.

I'd make a Warmaster just to have something to do, but training melees takes alot longer than training mages. Plus you have to have good gear, which is also more time than I want to put into a character. :P

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A lot of people say Cabals are for vets, but I highly disagree. Cabals are awesome for learning if you have a scrollback logger and patience to deal with death and re-equipping. Go roll that WM, Rutkowski. :)

I agree with Icor/Magick. The balance with eventually switch around to another Cabal(s). It's always been like that as far as I can remember, and I like it like that.


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Guest emp_newb
I would love to be a warmaster with my main' date=' but I suck too much in PKing and know too little of where to get quests and the like to actually be able to join.[/quote']

Playing a warmaster is alot less about being a pk monster than being a solid rper. As far as quests go, there are ways to get promoted w/o quests. You just need to do things to set yourself apart from the pack, be it unique rp, unique race/class combos. Just be a 100% individual. You can make it, just show them you deserve the cabal. That stuff is not just handed out. It takes some hard work and serious dedication.


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