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Vespazien Tetateken


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Finally, this character is gone.... thanks Chayesh. I needed someone to help push me over since I lost touch with him. Ive had Ves since the beginning of 2.0. He was actually the first character I made after the pwipe. I had fun with him in the Syndicate waaaay back in the day.... but then I took time off for college and whatnot and now the character had no direction (other than being everyone's punching bag). Anyway... goodbye.

cure light          100   detect invis         92   invisibility         98   
dagger 100 spear 100 sword 100
dirt kicking 99 disarm 99 dodge 100
enhanced damage 100 envenom 76 hand to hand 100
kick 1 parry 100 trip 93
second attack 100 third attack 100 fast healing 100
haggle 99 hide 100 lore 1
meditation 100 pick lock 77 sneak 100
scrolls 82 staves 78 recall 100
ikuzachi 1 dual wield 100 detect hidden 95
assassinate 100 strangle 100 acupuncture 79
grapple 100 endure 100 vanish 100
chii 100 blindness dust 100 poison smoke 100
caltraps 100 nerve 100 staff 100
throw 100 edge craft 85 double kick 1
decoy 76 push 93 study 100
fired weapons 76 pugil 100 shadow arts 100
defuse 86
You have 0 practice sessions left.

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Vespazien lowers his head, obviously ready for his final defeat.

Chayesh says 'Parting is such sweet sorrow.....unless you wish it.'

You say 'I have accomplished much.'

Chayesh rips off both of your arms and legs!


Vespazien smiles his last smile.

Chayesh says 'Yes.....it is finished.'

You say 'Fare...well...'

Your injuries prove too much, and you die from loss of blood.

As the cold chill of death descends upon you Khaede grants you yet another chance.

You have been granted a temporary sanctuary as an invincible ghost.

As long as you don't attack anything.

You have died due to failing health.

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I remeber going to winter Gwardof, getting assassinated by you and everytime I went back you asked me "Bringing me more presents from winter?" haha, or something like that.

But in all hosently, envenom only at 76??? decoy too?? You seem to have missed the funnest parts of being a ninja!!

(my one and only ninja back in 1.0 i'd envenom jugs and drop them all over the place heheheh)

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Yeah... Im lame. I remade the character right after the pwipe... just like a couple of people did at the time. The 1.0 version was a HUNTER... and I just didnt feel like I had enough fun with him. The 1.0 version was more of a psycho (ie mentally deranged)... the 2.0 version was more of a greedy suave ladies man that covered his face because he was ashamed that he looked very elven... Anyway... good times.

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