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(I didn't want to crash the mud by logging on him myself)


| Sarodin || Temporum of TEMPORUM |


| Str: 18(18)^2 || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 384(349h) |

| Int: 24(24)^2 || Class: battlemage Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 20(20) || Race : drow Align: evil |

| Dex: 24(24)^6 || Hp : 962/962 Exp : 51255/540745 |

| Con: 14(15) || Mana : 1241/1241 |

\ Lck: [||||||] \/ Move : 540/540 +Hit: 3 +Dam: 9 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Chayesh |

| Slash : -498 || Spell : -23 || Faith : Cycle |

| Pierce: -489 || Afflictive : -25 || Weight: 248/325 |

| Blunt : -462 || Maledictive: -33 || Items : 32/41 |

| Magic : -453 || Mental : -31 || Prac : 4 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 119k CP: 1.6k |


/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds. \

| You are ready for a cabal promotion. |

| [sAVANT] forces are aiding your mind. |


armor 100 cancellation 100 chill touch 80

colour spray 100 detect invis 100 detect magic 100

dispel magic 100 earthquake 100 faerie fire 101

haste 100 identify 100 infravision 101

invisibility 100 locate object 100 pass door 100

shield 100 shocking grasp 89 slow 100

stone skin 100 word of recall 100 dagger 100

mace 100 sword 100 whip 100

hand to hand 100 kick 1 parry 105

fast healing 100 haggle 82 meditation 100

scrolls 80 staves 100 wands 76

recall 100 blur 100 shrink 100

enlarge 100 thunderclap 100 meteor swarm 110

mirror image 100 trance 100 staff 100

flashfire 100 force field 105

terra shield 100 localize gravity 82 rust 100

air shield 100 blades 100 field dressing 93

sharpmetal 100 plumbum manus 100 sear 100

dancing blade 100 manalock 100 reflective shield 105

comprehend languages 100 sequencer 75

You have 4 practice sessions left.

I want him deleted because of undue problems regarding my character not allowing me to log on. I loved Sarodin and everyone I interacted with and am dissapointed I can't continue on with him, but he kept crashing the mud when he logged on and it seemed difficult for the immortals to fix so I figured I'd take the load off the immortals back and just let him be denied.

Also, sorry Anithraril, I was hoping to be with the Savant and you for a long while, but I guess these things happen.

EDIT: This was also my first character on FL, I put him in retirement for a year and played a bunch of others then came back and pinned him...so...a lot of random death on Sarodin...hehe

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Hated when your character got all messed up and was hoping that the immortals would fix it. After nearly two months of being broken, I'm with you, and gave up hope of ever seeing him again.

Great character, well played in all respects. Props on being a strong savant against a flood of warmasters and sticking with the war against all odds. I am sure you were a big factor in turning the tide and pushing them back with minimal cabal members.

I hope you aren't too discouraged by losing the character. Its a shame really. I wonder why he wasn't fixed?

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