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Do you remember the good old days?

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Beating a dead horse? Nah, I live for this ****...

When Crypticant would all bring us up to the "heavens" and tell us about him being in the army?

--Wasn't me. I wasn't in the Army. I was in the Navy, and I never talked to any of you about it. Are you thinking about GarryOwen?

--Banning Marko.mk

--Considering banning Sylp, then just slaying him several times. Same thing went for Myrek.

--Accidentally one-rounding Lathander with Smash when I was hunting someone.

--Accidentally one-rounding Maleki (Old_Man) with Smash when I was hunting someone.

--Coding drunk and pissing Viri off when the code would bomb and do a reboot loop on the test port.

--"Testing" out the Carnifex Demon on hapless mortals-- or those that annoyed me.

--Sending demon hopefuls to deal with the demons in the Tower.

--The battle royales in the heavens between Marisa and Imbessar. Thanks to Athaekeetha for coding those watch rooms.

--Assassinating Kittery during "her" wedding ceremony.

--Building Rheydin in 2 days, which was incidentally named after the world of a chatroom (Red Dragon Inn) I used to go in on AOL (version 1.0) in 1990. The world was called Rhy-Din. That's really getting old school.

--Drinking with Mircea, then calling all of the other Imms on the phone at 2am.

--Drinking with Old_Man until 5am.

--Getting "Bogrog" to help me with the Underdark, then having him build the "ladder room".

--Having to de-imm and ban Streantian. (That was actually a very sad day for me, since I really liked the kid)

--Special events in Central Square -- Halloween, Christmas, Thanksgiving.

--Switching into the Thanksgiving Turkey and acting like a retard.

--Laughing and banning the "AR Raid" when they used to try to spam lock FL.

--The million faces of the FL website when I was learning HTML and Javascript.

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I remember owning Moriath and Cathbad with Dharg.

I say Wazman, this bash crap is awesome. I just bash bash bash and they die.

Wazman says hey dude look! There's that nexus invoker, go kill him.

I yell Dude wtf?! My divine power doesn't affect him? My bash isn't hurting him?! What the hell is he?! How does he just kill me like that and I don't even hurt him? ...sanctuary? I don't have that spell dude, its a warrior.

Deravgner walks in.

Deravgner gives you full adeptus suit.

Domanari's hellstream does UNSPEAKABLE things to you.

I remember getting vampire and being so stoked.

I tell teaspoon dude arzaeth just gave me vamp! What should I train? Everything probably, huh?

Teaspoon says nah dude it's a vampire, they dont even have to train. Just get to 50 ASAP

1 week later...practical condeath.

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Ah, yes. The good old days of 1.0.

-When they put turrets in spawns to stop you RS camping with two HWG's and an engy.

-When you could conc jump balcony-to-balcony on 2fort for flag captures in 15 seconds.

-When you and a friend had strategically placed level 3 SGs in clan wars and watched your frag-count fly up.

-When you used to FS the FR with concs and clusters.

-When pyros were the most absolutely pointless class, ever. Ever.

-When the first concmap was invented, followed by the extremely difficult pipemap.

-When you'd finish a map on 50/0 and everyone would call you a hacker because they didn't know how to swapshot.

-When medics made scouts redundant.

All that changed when 1.5 was released though.


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the good ole days, yes...i remember..back when i didnt know where to find a barrel and equiping was impossible as i didnt know where anything was..

oh yeah and having master questor didnt occur less i was the only one online...

and taking two steps at pinn without being killed meant i was a ghost...


course nowadays i can get semi-decked solo in an hour or so from being totally naked, foud that barrell and can take master questor most the time before even reaching pinn...hmmm i will remember the current day. :rolleyes:

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