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All the Leaving People


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I don't know, just seems to me like this game isn't being taken for what it's for. People leaving saying that it's because the pbase is shrinking or they're not getting enough recognition or blah blah blah. This game is meant to be FUN. And if you're not having any fun you may just want to rethink the way you're playing. Do you have to get recognition to play? Do you have to be the best to have fun? I'm still having some of the most fun ever, and I'm sure the game will be coming back in numbers soon if that is what you're worrying about. I think all everyone, and not just the people who are leaving but everyone, just needs to sit back, relax, and find a way to start having fun again.

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You hit the nail on the head, I believe. People have fun in different ways here. And when someone leaves because they aren't having their fun anymore, everyone jumps on their case, without realizing that they are leaving because they aren't having fun anymore, even if their "fun" doesn't go hand in hand with how you have "fun" here.

In any case...

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"The point is you throw your RP out there and roll with it. You don't "win" at FL. This is not Neverwinter Nights with a quest and an ending. You continuously evolve as a character the way that you grow and change and develop as a person. THAT's RP of the highest caliber. Watershed RP' date=' RP that stands above the rest, is RP so earth-shaking, so powerful, that it FORCES your character to make a choice, make a decision, or form an opinion" - Chayesh [/quote'] cc
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Guest emp_newb

Look, some people can only have fun when they are winning. I for one rarely "win" at this. I rarely make chars for pking anymore, when i was in fact a real newb I did, now that I am not so newb. I have very strict rp lines. It is the more enjoyable part of FL. Making a char just for pk is possible yes, but without rp the character will lack substance. And you will not roleplay properly or play properly when your not having fun. Do what makes you happy.

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You hit the nail on the head, I believe. People have fun in different ways here. And when someone leaves because they aren't having their fun anymore, everyone jumps on their case, without realizing that they are leaving because they aren't having fun anymore, even if their "fun" doesn't go hand in hand with how you have "fun" here.

In any case...

I think a more accurate explination is people jump on their case for leaving and saying nasty things while doing it.


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I did say something about "never winning at FL" but i think it may have been taken the wrong way. I didn't quit because I'm a sore looser, but in all honesty the time I spend playing, training, ranking, rping could(in my case) be better spent concentrating on something that brings me a little more satifaction...my real life. When I first started playing it was to escape from a life I really hated, not a good reason I know but it was mine. I grew to enjoy it more and more....and the more depressed I was the more I felt like escaping. But I've since turned my life around. I rather like my life now(even as streesful as it can be) I have responsibilties and people who count on me, but more importantly, goals. I love to play, but with all the time consumed, I could be moving one step closer to where I what to be at in my RL. What I was trying to get at....is though you can never really win at FL you can win in RL. Right now living my characters life, is less fulfilling to living my own.

EDIT: Me leaving has been coming for a while now, Marti's deletion just pisssed me off enough to do it sooner rather than later.

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I have not played for two months as two of my friends.There are reasons behind this.Some things in game that aren't balanced still,there are many of the new things that are overpowered and etc..Most of the people that are browsing the forums are really nice and cool but there are some asses too that can really screw you up.Imm's can't still realize that they are player dependant,not the players depend on them.The summer is other reason that doesn't needs discussion. :P

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I don't see how you cannot seperate FL from life. I myself got into mud origionally when I was very young, and it took up a lot of my time. But there wasn't really anything better to do. Now that I am older, and I have responsibilities, I can seperate mud from life. I know if I have to be at work at 8:15 in the morning, I have to leave at 8. That means I must log off. And if I cannot log off, well, I cut link, even if it's not allowed.

Sometimes I want to quit again, like I did for about a year or two, because I get very upset when I lose. A lot of the time it's for reasons of spending so much time on a character 50+ hours of ranking and training to get to 50 and get schooled because I don't have good enough equipment yet, or just because I suck. I was a lot better when I was younger because I had a lot of free time to play, now that I have other things to do, not as much time on FL, I am not as good, and that's damn frustrating.

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Imm's can't still realize that they are player dependant' date='not the players depend on them.[/quote']

I'm sorry but I just have to pull this out and wonder if you realize how silly a statement that is.

You are welcome to your opinions about whether something's overpowered, fair, what have you...you might be wrong, but hey, opinions are free.

But if you think that the relationship between player and IMM is not inter-dependent, that is to say players need the IMMs just as much as IMMs need players, you're just being goofy.

It's posts like this that do nothing but bring about division and negativity where there wasn't any. Give up the US vs. THEM mentality and work for the good of the MUD, not your own benefit, and you might have a wider audience listening to your ideas.

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I don't see how you cannot seperate FL from life. I myself got into mud origionally when I was very young, and it took up a lot of my time. But there wasn't really anything better to do. Now that I am older, and I have responsibilities, I can seperate mud from life. I know if I have to be at work at 8:15 in the morning, I have to leave at 8. That means I must log off. And if I cannot log off, well, I cut link, even if it's not allowed.

Sometimes I want to quit again, like I did for about a year or two, because I get very upset when I lose. A lot of the time it's for reasons of spending so much time on a character 50+ hours of ranking and training to get to 50 and get schooled because I don't have good enough equipment yet, or just because I suck. I was a lot better when I was younger because I had a lot of free time to play, now that I have other things to do, not as much time on FL, I am not as good, and that's damn frustrating.

Not sure who you were talking to here.... Seperating RL and FL can be easy, or hard depending on how addicted you are. I would go into a big rant or what not...but as I said I wasn't sure who you were speaking to...oh and if you were talking to me specify what you mean...I hate to be a D!ck without good reason.

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Nah, I was not taking a stab at anyone. It just SEEMS a lot of people leave because FL holds too much grip on them, and FL issues start to make real life issues turn into very bad issues.I am not saying anyone does it here, but I have played a few MMORPG's, and some of those players have NO lives except for the game that they play. That's what I meant, I don't understand how people cannot seperate real life from FL. FL being the subject of matter, because that's what we are here to play.

You being whoever cannot seperate the two, perhaps I should have rephrased that first sentance. Not targeting you meleecrazy.

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