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I see the Light...or Darkness.


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Tonight finally helped me sympathise with everyone who is recently debating or in the process of leaving. I now see exactly the way they do. The entire pbase has been whining and complaing that every char has no RP and and whatnot. So someone finally takes it upon themselves to try to bring in some RP to the game with their char. Brings RP to a lot of other people as well. And what do they get for it? Senseless deaths with no reason followed by full looting when people don't even have anything worth taking. That is how the rest of the players reward this. Not even a reason, no speak, deliberately ignoring to answer what their reason was. Ya I see it now, it's not the game that is the problem, but the people who play it. I have recently been the hopeful and optimistic one with everyone in leaving, but a man can only be pushed so far. You give the people what they want and they spit on you in return. I'm about an inch away from the door right now myself.


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I'm just going to keep on adding to this as I see fit. On the subject of pinnacled characters. If any of you bother to think of the true meaning of pinnacle shouldn't be a standard help higher than just being at the max level of the game? Pinnacle should be perfected everything, your char, your class, and your RP. I don't think that if anyone can't put forth all three then you should never be allowed to call that.

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Naw, it doesn't. I deleted Thylteon. Everyone here asks for a char that brings rp, and I finally gave it my shot and did well in my own opinion. But here's the deal, no matter what it goes to waste. I poured my heart and soul into him to make him fun for both me and the whole game. I tried my best, and he was just wasted on the game. You give the people what they want and they still won't change, you bring them what they have been asking for and they will still keep themselves the way they were. If they RP'd before they'll keep on keepin on, but if not they still won't and you'll still have people complaining.

I'm not posting any of Thylteon's scoresheets, I think that the work I put into him is more important than that. He was probably my favorite character I've ever made in any game I've ever played, and I played him as just an extension of myself.

I'm leaving, I don't know if it's for a day, week, month, year or forever. But I love you guys.

-The Pieman

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Figured I'd throw in some shoutouts to people who helped make my game fun.

Maedhros - you were my brother man. Rock on.

Rathar - good luck to you, I was glad to help whenever I could.

Garint - your secret is safe with me "..for I have slain."

Zerakin - Keep it goin, don't give it up.

Haroen - You saved my hide in the Vecsea thing, I wasn't prepared to make it up as I went along.

Vecsea - glad I could bring you some fun kid, stay safe.

Helmsley - always fun to talk to, dwarf accents are teh pwnzor.

Crisnae - though it didn't last long I had fun rp'ing with you, sorry I wasn't more help.

Maressma - If an avatar hopeful stormie could fall in love with a drow, rp'ing with you always brightened my day, don't go getting killed now.

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Look, I'm sorry for anyone I've knocked. I hope I'm not burning any bridges here. I've become good friends with a lot of people in this community and I'd like to keep it that way. But my time here is probably over, I just don't think I have the heart to make a char the calibur of some of my past ones.


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So, I'm going to knock you down bad here, but take it in stride. You deleted because there is (1) dick in the entirity of FL. Of course this (1) dick is only a dick in YOUR perspective.

Now I'll say this again, as I have said before, but the maturity of this PBASE has grown, but with it, they have grown soft. Full loot? OMG, VIRI himself stated that anyone who doesn't full loot is showing bad RP. You have a reason to kill, you have a reason to full loot. There are ways to RP around this, but hell, lets face it, it has been going on so much lately that hardly anyone expects to be full looted anymore.

Now lets take this entire situation at a different perspective. A new player to FL hits 50, RP is shaky but loves the aspect of player killing. Looks and sure enough, there is a storm giant warrior, a formidable foe. Takes him on, adrenaline pumping, kills him, and then is sitting there going, 'Now what?'. First pk at 50 with ANY character, as it's their first 50 period. 'How do I act?' 'What do I say, do I say anything?' 'If I say something, am I a bragging ***?' 'It's my first evil, I want to be the silient mysterious assassin type!' So many other things could be passing through their head.

Now, again, another perspective. Player has pin'ed his fifteenth char. Has had elders and leaders in the past, titled, tattooed, you name it they've done it. Recently pinnacled, need to make a name for themselves. Dont' yet have the confidence to take on the big guns so lets take on another new pin. Good fight, good kill. Confidence is up. Oh ****, phone call. Oh ****, whiny character asking why I killed them. I hate when they do this crap, should be thanking their God they were given another life. Man I hate it so much when they ask why! Why can't they just congratulate, or open up a NEW avenue of after pk RP that doesn't evolve around 'Why did you kill me?'. Screw him, I'm on the phone, I'll just treat him the same naive way he treated me.

I interacted with your pin. I opened a HUGE door of RP and didn't even get a tell from you. I'm sure you put your heart and soul into your char, but obviously not enough to keep him. (1) dick out of all of FL is not a bad sign, nor is ten percent, which would be roughly what, 5-10 people? Every incidence is situational to how you percieve others actions. That same char could turn around and become L of a cabal, titled, tattooed, and oh wait, it was Despiser with a char even better then Marty. But why did he do that back then? One mistake and he was jumped on hard by myself included, one mistake and called a trash player. You say you realize what has happened, but it's the same attitude that caused it in the first place.

Peace bro.

I know I WILL see you in game.

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Conflicting RP. It's hard to judge rp in many cases. For example, many people suspect I made goomf just to any the livng piss out of people. And I did. But I also had the rp of being a child interested in shiny stuff. And being mentally retarded. Would a lot of people say I was trashy? Of course. Doesn't mean I was.

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Yea. FL is like the pool at the bottom of a mountain river. You can swim against the current all you like, you might even get quite far up the mountain, but eventually you'll just get washed down into the pool. The only way you're going to get to the river's source is to really do something drastic (I.E: buy a whappin' great speedboat).

You'll be back. You've just bitten into a burnt slice of pie, that's all. Doesn't mean to say the rest of the pie isn't one marvellous dish. You'll smell all the tasty pies that FL will bake so lovingly for you, and you'll be back as quick as a flash. :D


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Heh...suggesting its bad rp not to full loot.


I know if I were to kill someone RL I wouldn't strip them naked.

Maybe a thief would do this if the items were the kind he could get gold for, but I can't see 100% of people taking the time to strip their corpses nude before continuing, especially the big bad evil. I just don't see him caring enough. I see him killing, then riding on to kill more people.

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It all depends on things. I think what the person meant by 'bad RP' was that it would deemed bad to leave your opponent their things knowing they'd come back and use it to try and kill you.

I don't quite agree with that either because some people's RPs might dictate they want their opponents coming back for more. Plus the fact that we aren't supposed to know that we will be coming back. On the flipside, if I've just killed someone who's wearing all kinds of enchanted armors and whatnot, you can damned bet I'll be snooping to find out what they've got (in an RP sense). At the end of the day, it's down to each individual char's RP wether they leave things or not.

Nothing wrong with full looting. It's part of the PK system of the MUD, and won't be (at least I hope) changed at all. Sure, it sucks to spend hours suiting yourself up to go get killed and full looted, but it happens to us all, and it adds a bit of spice IMO.

Please don't leave us, mister pie. :D


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Heh...suggesting its bad rp not to full loot.


I know if I were to kill someone RL I wouldn't strip them naked.

Maybe a thief would do this if the items were the kind he could get gold for, but I can't see 100% of people taking the time to strip their corpses nude before continuing, especially the big bad evil. I just don't see him caring enough. I see him killing, then riding on to kill more people.

You’re comparing how you personally would act in modern society as compared to how a soldier/warrior/fighter would act in a land such as Aabahran? Right, I see the similarities.


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No, it wasn't the full loot like everyone seems to be making it to be. I got attacked, and while I was playing rp with a mid ranked char to try to bring some fun to the 30ishes where it does often get very discouraging to play. He walks by, sees me talking to this person, sees that I don't even have anything worth taking (Except for a sheath that was given to me I was still in mithril/double plated). So I get attacked and run. And while typing to run with my right hand I'm sending tells asking for a reason why he attacked me with my left (Very hard to do and I know a few of you who do it well). I think 6 or 7 I sent to him. Then he kills me and told me he killed me "Because you wouldn't shut up." That was the part that threw me over the edge. Not the death or the looting, I'm not the best pk'er and I fully accept and expect that crap, but he openly bashed RP and that's just an absolute turd if you ask me.

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If I came to kill you for whatever reason on a character and you kept pestering me about my reasoning before I even finished the task, then of course my reasoning would quickly become that you are a stubborn, annoying character. Nothing annoys me more, personally, then a player who is trying to talk to me while I am trying to chase them and kill them. If I want to kill you, I won't stop and chat with you, I'll just chase and kill you. That's not to say that you cannot sit there and try to ask me why, I just won't answer in all cases. Perhaps after you have lost me and I am resting or something of that nature.

I personally don't think asking someone "why did you kill me?" after you died is good role play at all. Sure, if you aren't dead yet, "Why are you trying to kill me?" but don't expect an answer because they are prob chasing you and don't want to answer. I am not saying your character's role play was bad, I interacted with you once or twice. I am saying you cannot get mad at someone for giving you a poor excuse of killing, because that's their excuse. Even if it sucks, is lame, and prob just a cop out of in dept role play. Maybe you think role play has to be complex? Why can't it just be that he simply wanted to kill you because your mouth runs more then your sword swings?

I also agree with WC about modern time vs. FL time. You cannot compare a midievil game setting to modern time because it's way too differant.

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