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FFVII Complilation


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Hahah, how did I miss this thread?

I spent soooo long in that plane morphing too! Never finished it all the way though. :(

and you were "supposed" to be able to get Aeris back, though the game was never completely finished.. Rushed production and all, made it hard to come across a lot of answers.

Chocobos were fun. We should bring some to FL :D

(Yes, only 99:59, you dorks. Though everyone and their mom hit that limit.)

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FF7 was great! I beat the game 3 times and had one big foul up.

(All 3 included getting Vincent and Yuffie)

The first time was just run through the game and play it with no real searching for anything (OK i did stop to lvl the chars a bit, and most definatly the chocobo got me hooked, esp the minigames ... still remember the hawiian surfer music when a chocobo was there and you tried to catch em) Anyways... at the time i was stupid... didn't know how to up the limit break ( i had them all just didn't know how to set them). So i beat the game with everyone's most basic limit break.

Second time, learned about the limit break thing... Then i also went more thouroughly, made sure to get that special materia (AND MORE CHOCOBOS!) (This involed beating the ruby and emerald weapons).

Round 3: GAMESHARK! Ok yes it was just for ****s and giggles. But if you had aeries in you party at a point where you needed barrette and Tifa in your party... You couldn't do it. So my game got jammed right around that part (oh well).

Finally the major **** up!

i had been playing the first round through... and i got the little mini car thing to drive about the world map. Well when i went to Reno (I think it was). I parked the car too close to the actual place... So i couldn't get back into the car. And i needed the car to go to the next part of the game. And i saved over my last saved file, so i had to restart the entire game. *Sigh*

****But on a good note! I stayed up all night to get back to disc 2 on that game. To catch up to where i was, and i did it!


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gamesharks bring fun into games you've already beat.

So does throwing them around like frisbies but you don't see me doing that either.:D

And the american version was rushed into completion so we didn't get the aeris resurection part, but we did get emerald and ruby weapons, and I loved fighting them so I feel it was a even trade.

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Agreed. And the timer actually stops at 99:59:59 to be exact. Screw the ressurections, I used gameshark to get sephiroth, after getting all the 1/25 soldiers and super sweepers ect. Also had a cheat I found myself by making clouds name juesus or something, I can't remember exactly and got to lvl 99 in my first fight. Though I can't prove it since I can't remember the damn name. And Melee, you know I'm the one who maxed the stats to 255, you just watched:D .

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  • 3 weeks later...

I have 50 bucks saying that after FF13, Square will re-do FF14.


They've been building up the hype with Advent Children, Dirge of Cerberus, etc. etc. etc. FF12 and FF13 are their main projects right now, but once they finish them....

FF7 version 2. (7x2 = 14...FF14)

From a business point of view it would be stupid of them not to make it. The storyline is already made. The characters have been developed. Advertisement wouldnt even really be needed. It's a fact that there are MILLIONS of people out there already that would buy the game, in fact, buy a PS3 just because of a remastered FF7.

So, again I say...50 bucks, FF7 will be remade for the PS3

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