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Ganging...thanks again


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Uh..wow. Ganging at 20 != cool. I'd like to ask people, if those people watch the forums to not rush people that are new to FL...especially when you're tag teaming and throwing Mutilates. Wtf...sorry, it's ridiculous.

She's new to FL, and get's PK'd REPEATEDLY at rank 20. Yea..it's part of the game, but the gang she just took pushed me over the edge.

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step 1.


step 2.

Have a smoke, take a dump, go do whatever it is you do to let off steam, then come back to the comptuer.

step 3.

Consolidate the person ganked in question, let them know there is something better.

Lastly, dont' bring it to the forum like this because you bring a negative persona about the forum that players could be turned off by, new or old. Not to sound harsh but the forum isn't here to blow steam, it's here to bring us together.

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Well the point is..........if everyone in the world stopped killing each other we'd have world peace. If everyone in the world would conform under one religion we'd have world peace, unfortunatly, as best said by Machiavelli:

"Many men have imagined republics or principalities that never really exsisted at all. Yet the way men live is so far removed from the way they ought to live that anyone who abandons what is for what should be persues his downfall rather then his preservation."

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