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| Crisnae || the Midget of Fury, Battlerager in Training |


| Str: 17(17) || Level: 50 Sex: M Age : 70(432h) |

| Int: 17(17) || Class: berserker Ethos: neutral |

| Wis: 21(21) || Race : halfling Align: good |

| Dex: 25(25) || Hp : 354/633 Exp : 332541/274259 |

| Con: 12(12) || Mana : 216/987 |

\ Lck: [|||---] \/ Move : 419/419 +Hit: 2 +Dam: 3 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Irumeru |

| Slash : -20 || Spell : 0 || Faith : Purity |

| Pierce: -20 || Afflictive : 0 || Weight: 0/305 |

| Blunt : -20 || Maledictive: 0 || Items : 0/41 |

| Magic : -20 || Mental : 0 || Prac : 0 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 0 |


/ Condition: You have sustained mortal injuries in your travels \


(354/633hp 216/987mp 419/419mv) (0crowns $0 1) prac

axe 3 dagger 6 flail 84

mace 100 polearm 46 shield block 100

spear 55 sword 48 berserk 30

dirt kicking 80 dodge 86 enhanced damage 100

hand to hand 100 parry 100 trip 75

second attack 100 third attack 77 fast healing 100

haggle 75 lore 2 meditation 100

recall 100 weapon cleave 76 shield cleave 75

dual wield 55 rage 87 relax 6

regeneration 29 bodyslam 4 charge 12

warcry 24 swing 2 headbutt 76

staff 100 roar 9 double grip 53

haymaker 75 two handed 87 flail expert 100

path of anger 100 skull crusher 100

You have 0 practice sessions left.

(354/633hp 216/987mp 419/419mv) (0crowns $0 1)

Azantar tells you 'Awww...give up?' No, I didn't give up. But, I'm sure everyone else would have if you were getting killed constantly because people knew you were gimped. ;)

(354/633hp 216/987mp 419/419mv) (0crowns $0 1) delete

deleType delete again to confirm this command.

WARNING: this command is irreversible.

Typing delete with an argument will undo delete status.

(354/633hp 216/987mp 419/419mv) (0crowns $0 1) te

Connection closed by foreign host.


Well guys, for those of you who found it extremely, utterly funny to multikill an Elder Sigil gimped halfling, it's come to an end. Don't feel too good about yourselves, because killing me after I RP'd through a crapload of things with many different IMMs wasn't hard at all.

Thank you Raargant for a very fun time within Knight, yet again. I enjoyed it all. I loved it. I couldn't have been more happy. You RP'ing with me made me feel awesome. You are #1, along with Krounoi for best RP and interaction in my opinion.

Thandaeus, Helmsley, Luris, I love you guys. All of you other Knights, not much interaction with you all. Different time zones, et cetera. But, you all are doing fine. Keep kicking Nexus ***.

For all of those who thought I was a hardcore ganger, keep thinking it. Saw some pretty nasty messages on the shoutout forums about me, and I could care less about what you all thought. I kicked *** for a time, I got gimped for it, then I got shoved down a sticky hole of goo that I couldn't get myself out of. Everyone I fought I died to. FFS, I died to Azantar of all people. AZANTAR! Since when does a Sigil Elder die to an undead thief, one I've nearly killed with one spell and a vanguard everytime I see him? Yeah, I lost all my Sigil spells. What's a Halfer Berserker gonna do with no sigil spells against a decked, undead thief, or a decked fire warrior, or for that matter, a decked vampire, who are all V and above? I'm nothing but fodder, of course.

The experience was hella fun. And I send yet another special thanks out to Raar. Thanks for that title, man, it rocked my sox. I'm just not the whole melee type of person, as you all can tell.

RP: Sirican, Raargant, Thandaeus, Helmsley, Elviena, and Mathicus (even though we hardly interacted with this char, it was fun the times we did)

PK: Sirican, RAARGANT (haha), Thandaeus, Vhorkus, Azantar (and any others I forgot who kicked my ***)

See you all with my next project.

<3, Acerbity.

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halfer zerk heheheh, loved that title. and alot of people who killed you didnt kill you because you were gimped. They went after you because you were a Knight Elder, your fault for getting gimped, not theirs.

Good char overall. Look foward to your next

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I don't often give props to deleted characters, however, I will say this much.

Congrats on rolling with all the consequences your RP brought you, both good and bad, for at least a little while. Wasn't the first time you've dealt with that, but I give props for people accepting their RP and what comes from it and staying committed to it.

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Anyone remember Lirard? With that char I had the SOLE intention of reclassing to berserker for the RP of it. Never got it done.

I'm jealous. You just threw that away. :mad: Though I understand how much it sucks to get owned all the time and never able to recover.

I'll be waiting to see your next project.

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I don't often give props to deleted characters, however, I will say this much.

Congrats on rolling with all the consequences your RP brought you, both good and bad, for at least a little while. Wasn't the first time you've dealt with that, but I give props for people accepting their RP and what comes from it and staying committed to it.

Sorry I couldn't stick this one out, man. I tried. But, with work, and of course, my girlfriend by my side most of the time, I couldn't get done what I wanted to get done, and I eventually lost interest. All in all, I felt like I was taking up a spot in Knight as Elder and being over-all sucky. Someone else could be there better than I. Like Helmsley or something. (GO DWARF BARDS!)

If I offended anyone with my deleting post, excuse me. It was all out of frustration and dislike of everyone who continued to kill me, attack me/be a nuisance after I got reclassed. Hmf.

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halfer zerk heheheh, loved that title. and alot of people who killed you didnt kill you because you were gimped. They went after you because you were a Knight Elder, your fault for getting gimped, not theirs.

Good char overall. Look foward to your next

Actually, before hand, no one wanted to attack me as a Healer, unless they were grouped up. Now, those who wouldn't dare touch me before, steam rolled over me more than once, just out of spite. (I.. think. ;))

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Dude, this is the third time you've brought up the "they just kill me because I was reclassed" card. I take offense to it, as when I killed you, I had very solid RP reason to do it. You went borderline ooc with me after it and now you seem like you think everyone was out to get you. You played an awesome character, before YOUR rp got you gimped. You should be proud of what Crisnae did as a sigil healer, not upset that you were getting killed because of choices you made.

edit: just read your post above........how many times did I attack you with Suukar? Alot. Did I run quickly after? You damned right I did bro lol, you put out the hurt like crazy. But don't act like everyone just started coming after you when you got reclassed, because I know personally I was never scared to fight you. I knew it was a severely uphill battle since you would just pwn the crappizzle out of me, but I never cowered from you.

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Suukar didn't kill you. My ranger did. Suukar just attacked you all the time and then ran for the hills.

When my ranger killed you, we met at your corpse and you said something similiar to:

"Wow, you just killed a halfling berserker. Does that make you feel good?"

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I suppose...anyhow, it ticked me off right nice. Anyhow, this is supposed to be a happy thread :) And that character is deleted now by the way hehee

I did enjoy your character honestly. Good luck on your next, I'm done being a butthole. For tonight, at least.

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Actually' date=' before hand, no one wanted to attack me as a Healer, unless they were grouped up. Now, those who wouldn't dare touch me before, steam rolled over me more than once, just out of spite. (I.. think. ;))[/quote']

Uhh, I attacked you plenty as a healer, and only once as whatever you turned into. And even then I still figured you were a healer, just forgot some spells. Seems I was wrong. And the whole gimp thing just doesn't work, you gimped yourself...For good reason, but you did it yourself. If you think it was bad when people were steamrolling you....welcome to the pk world when your not a halfling healer.

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you played Crisnae?! Well I enjoyed talking to you and trying to capture you as Raniku and all the times I went after you as him I only got you once and I was shocked that I did it.... Well from my personal experience with crisnae (as Raniku) I enjoyed and was a little upset that I had to go after you because you decieded to break the law..

Sad to see you delete I enjoyed him as I stated.

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Uhh' date=' I attacked you plenty as a healer, and only once as whatever you turned into. And even then I still figured you were a healer, just forgot some spells. Seems I was wrong. And the whole gimp thing just doesn't work, you gimped yourself...For good reason, but you did it yourself. If you think it was bad when people were steamrolling you....[b']welcome to the pk world when your not a halfling healer.

Har har. You're forgetting who I've played in the past.

Pesomuvae (halfling healer) E Sigil Knight

Mlar (feral blademaster) E Stalker Watcher

Daeyiana (elf cleric) T Temporum Savant

Carin (halfling warrior) V Praetorian Knight

Lerntu (half-elf ninja) V Sigil Knight (this was when Despy had his knight ninja.)

Shinae (gnome invoker) E Temporum Savant (for a couple seconds..)

Can't.. remember.. name.. (fire giant) V Syndicate

Pominsu (illithid necromancer) E Adjudicator Tribunal

Jisil (dwarf cleric) M Knight, then L Herald

(and many, many, many others who weren't cabal'd and I've forgotten about.)

and of course Crisnae.

I'm not new to the PK world. I am sorta new, however, with trying to PK while gimped. :)

PS: And yes, it -was- my fault. I'm not trying to say its anyone elses.

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