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| Spareaux       || Sadist of REAVER                             |
| Str: 20(20)^9  || Level: 50 Sex: F      Age  : 19(189h)        |
| Int: 20(20)    || Class: monk           Ethos: chaotic         |
| Wis: 20(20)    || Race : Grmln(human)   Align: evil            |
| Dex: 21(21)^2  || Hp   :  860/860       Exp  : 36720/466480    |
| Con: 17(19)    || Mana :  201/659                              |
\ Lck: [|||---]  \/ Move :  495/495       +Hit: 46   +Dam: 50    /
|     ARMOR      ||      SAVES       || Deity : Tongar           |
| Slash :  -330  || Spell      : -9  || Faith : Combat           |
| Pierce:  -326  || Afflictive : -4  || Weight: 246/375          |
| Blunt :  -318  || Maledictive: -8  || Items : 31/38  RP : 10   |
| Magic :  -292  || Mental     : -17 || Prac  : 24    Train: 1   |
|                ||                  || Gold  : 5421  CP: 3.8k   |
/ Condition: You are a bit worn out from your wounds.            \
| Anatomy :Mob Human Elf Dwarf DemiHum Giant Beast Flying Unique |
|          100  110  100   88     73    100   100   100     83   |
| You are ready for a cabal promotion.                           |

Decided to post my first character in the decade plus of playing.  My first monk, and I thouroughly enjoyed it though it really really feels like you have to hit a certian cookie cutter PERFECT of you might as well just flee and reset.  Some of you guys are just PK monsters and I struggle to keep up but at the same time you have been my aspiration to keep it up.  That 17 con is after a few trains btw..  Overall I tried to get involved in a few stories without much luck so this character wasnt "feeling" real to me.  Keep it classy FLANDS



Garacci: You interacted with me so much, and it came so unexpectedly.  I always felt like we were friends in a sort of undead/demon kind of way?  Keep your RP and beastmode hand in hand it suits you well.

Zelabrym, Xyth, Illiv - Fun runs and interactions though I wish I could have got in on all that drow mischief going on!  Thanks for the trips gearing, it kept Sylf busy!


 Sylf - Love you and hate you for being so fast.  I felt bad for saccing ur staff, but it was the only way to get an edge for the short time I did.  Your beast, keep the darkside quivering!


Agege-  Beastmode man, wish I could have got a little more RP invovled with you but the pk was fun to learn.


Morlhach - I didnt plan on keeping this character but you gave me gremlin with those special perks and I felt loved.  Keep touching me in that Michael Jackson kind of way!







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Darn. Was hoping you'd hang in there longer. I had a feeling you were very close to getting over a plateau you seemed to be struggling with. Much of Agege's rp IS based around battle especially since Lorshh, Sylf and Rilithin aren't around as much. You seemed like one person able to get through to the Headstrong recently to want to change that ;)

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