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Are all the imms on vacation?


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Seriously, I after 50 hours on a new character have only dealt with one immortal period, from desc, to seeing him on olc, to a problem my char was having.  Is everyone gone or something.  How is anyone supposed to get these rp points that everything a character goals are set for if no one sees it, jeeesh.

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Having problems logging right now so thats out.  Got a couple rp points for someone elses note but mine have been ignored thus far, have not even had my history approved and that has been in since after my ten hour mark on the character.  Getting disheartened and bored of what it will take to get anything now.

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  • Implementor

Been a very busy week for all the Immortals.


I'm sorry I'm not extremely involved with -everyone- right now. I'm getting the rest of the RP point stuff in over the next couple days, and while I may be online (OLC or what not) most of my time consists of coding it, and/or fixing "at the moment" bugs.

Bare with us.

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  • Implementor

If you don't see us it doesn't mean we aren't there. And as Morl explained, there are things being done. Currently I spend the bulk of my time on test port, though I do log on main when possible to get work done.


If the imm you'd like to interact with isn't around, notes are your best friend, post logs to prayer, etc.

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I was not implying no one was doing anything but really was curious if everyone was on vacation or something of the sort,  understand there will always be something to do on test or bug fixes etc...  Just been having alot of decent rp moments with other players but no imms.  And no I am not trying to be like other people who will send constant prays seeking attention and thought that asking if people were actually away for a bit was a valid question.  


Anume:  I agree with that however I would have assumed it would have been looked at regardless.

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  • Implementor

The question is fine, we were explaining the situation by way of response.

The stigma of sending notes is an odd one. We like being kept up to date as much as possible via rp logs and so forth. In fact there's a thread in prayer outlining the progress of a current rp plot. This isn't sucking up, or looking for attention. It's simply letting us know what's going on in the event we miss it (or hear it from a third party).

So let's do away with the negative connotations affixed to sending notes and rp logs (the former in game, the latter on the forums) and help us tailor your experience to you as much as possible :).

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TheKid all the RP points I was rewarded with always came from invisible immortals.


You should not suddenly start RPing when you see an immortal on the who list.

From my  experience, they tend to watch players more when you aren't aware they are there.

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TheKid all the RP points I was rewarded with always came from invisible immortals.


You should not suddenly start RPing when you see an immortal on the who list.

From my  experience, they tend to watch players more when you aren't aware they are there.


I never rp BECAUSE I see an imm on.  I rp alone alot or with others however when I see on the forum people are getting all these mad points for rp from being watched,  I tend to wonder why I have seen none for my effort, which is in fact requirements now for qclass/race, cabals, and anything else for that matter.  And I am well aware that they do watch your interactions with other then themselves thus staying invisible. 

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the Herald cabal really does wonders for up and coming peeps, a few minutes out of your day to send a scroll... and everyone knows what you're about! even if you don't get immediate Imm response, make some connections with pc's and, probably sooner rather than later, you're bound to get recognition. personally, I've had quite a bit of interaction with other characters and not until the past 5 days or so did I really start getting rp points. I believe it boils down to timing. just stick with it and you will get those rp points, rest assured! :D

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If you want an decision (approve/reject) that you think has been going on too long, or a bug, desc, etc.

send an IC note/re-send application (Want more RP points? Keep it IC, and roleplay the char through ALL circumstances, not just the favorable ones)

Then send a pray asking for some help

Possibly send a note to immortal (IG but OOC. Not highly recommended though)

Better bet = post on prayer forum.

If none of that works (There should be at LEAST two calendar days between each action)

Posting on the general forum asking for attention from the immortals for a specific character probably isn't going to be a good way to consistently get positive attention from them.

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