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Farewell, it's been a great.....


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Damn, well lets see how long has forsaken been around? It's been a great that amount of time. And those of you who drifted with me from abandoned realms when forsaken was first being tested, Hell yeah! Ar SUCKS! haha, anyway though, just deleted Carroin and Covus, it's been a blast with both of them. Got to know a lot of you pretty well during my ten thousand hours I sat infront of this damn computer playing this game. Got too much going on right now to play so I figured the only way to stay off would be to delete all my favorite characters, GOD was it hard to let go of Covus though, I feel so ancient, and such a badass title. Anyway, gonna miss you all, especially the imm staff you guys have been great, thanks a million for putting so much time and dedication into this game. And I'm sure one day I will be back, so all of you who know me DONT give me the ip in six months! ;) Good luck to all of you, and most of all HAVE FUN! IT'S A FREAKING GAME! ENJOY IT!


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HAHA, I am thinking the same thing "I'll be back on tomorrow" but it's like crack man, you can't quit with it sitting around, and I hate rolling new chars, that's why I always make sure the ones I do rank up stick around for a while. I really wish I wouldn't have been so hasty, wanted to write a nice long note with covus but I had such a rush from deleting Carroin I just couldn't wait, and I didn't feel like going out without my standard. You have all been lots of fun, I am really really gonna miss this game it's more like an extended family even though I don't interact much on the forum. I even deleted my roller and threw out my sheet of all my characters, I've prob got 20 chars between 1 and 45 that I don't even remember without looking at that paper. Can't bring myself to ask for a ip ban, especially since my stepbrother is moving down here in a month or so and he still plays, but it's prob the only way I'll really stay away. I mean on my days off all I would do is play 14 hours and go back to sleep so I dunno what I'm gonna do with my time, I really might just turn off my internet for a while to help me stay away. Anyways without being gay, I Love you guys!


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Poor guy, never did find that flying carpet you've been looking for.

Didn't know Carroin very well, but Covus was well played. Good PK, RP. Solid char that will be remembered and feared for his cool Shamanic abilities.

Gonna miss ya man. Good luck with work and your new spare time. Go find a girlfriend or something! Hehe.

Maybe i'll make a Shaman sooner or later.

...Oh and.. We love you too man! *hug* :D

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hah, even delete your warmaster leader?? anyway props to covus been through heaps of crap with him as my clerics blady blah few others anyway man, good to at least fight carroin once with new character before you left :D just like last time eh, anyway take it easy good luck with everything.



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Welcome to the recovering addicts of ForsakenLands Stan! Its hard but with the hours you are working, you will need the break! We will all return sooner or later, its in our blood. But for now, life is on a roll. Thats good!

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Despiser leaves, then Deveranger thinking he would but sobered up ;) , quite a few other people as well, and now yourself. Man. I think yours was the biggest shock though. I really feel empty now. Finally catching up with me, I think. Thought you'd be around as long as ... I don't know. Aabahran's 15th age. Uber props. As well to the others that left/leaving/returning soon with the crack this game is, that I've not posted on before.

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Just takes awhile for the Immortals to finally pin down the rule breakers. But, I know nothing of this situation. So...

Good characters. Interacted with them both on numerous characters, mostly with Covus. You kept complaining about how many saves I had with two of my healers in Knight, and I just laughed. I hope you find the strength to make another drow shaman so I can have fun again, with my new characters.

Good job.

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As much as I complained I loved fighting your healers and your cleric it just always presented a challenge of how to take you down without the normal methods which I still never quite mastered. And YES I am pissed that I never did find that magic carpet it's gotta be out there somewhere, someone find it for me! Don't let it be lost forever. Thanks Malch. always had fun being diminished by your overwhelming pressence ig, and rl is tough I think that's why I play this so much it turns out so much easier than dealing with real issues so I'll do the best I can. I really doubt it's a true goodbye, more like I'll see ya next year:P Have fun everyone enjoy this game like it's meant to be enjoyed.

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Nice char. You taught me alot on Comaton. I always had a hell of a time running around with you and Zolis. We kicked ***, and took noones crap. I even remember the time we all got really really really drunk and just stormed the Knight cabal for fun. Yelling and taunting the people that were in the castle. (There were none). It was fun, and I always appreciated the things you taught me. Thanks man, and take care IRL.

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That's one thing I always tried to do with my caballed chars was teach what I could, especially in army warfare, I cant begin to count how many times I taught people how to move armies. I see so many cabals that I come into that noone ever is told or even tries to figure out how to move armies or take advantage of raids. I think I enjoyed trying to embark what little wisdom my braincells posess more than anything, sorry to the newbs though who always seemed to want to ask questions in the middle of a fight, I usually never did get around to answering those questions.

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Damn Covus... we had a long run together man. I think you were there with all of my Nexus and knights, had a great time with every encounter we had, though I never killed you I still had fun. I still remember when you and Azantar had to teach me(Nekromna) about the arimes. Man, I can't believe Covus is gone, arghhh!

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