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Cabal Numbers: September 11th


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Cabal name / total members (10 possible + cabal Imm) / active members (have been on in the last 3 days)  Numbers include cabal imm.     Knight            5          5Nexus             4          4Syndicate         9          8Tribunal          4          2Watcher           5        2Warmaster       4          2Savant            5          2Herald            2          1

Note that we have retracted the 6 member cabal experiment. Cabals once again allow for nine members plus the cabal imm.

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Annoyance is me pointing out which cabal is always the fullest and what indications that may have.  That's a real annoyance.  And then I disappear off the forums again for another few weeks and don't check to see what anyone else posted.  For added arrogance, you understand?


I don't think anyone understands xD

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