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Halfling vuln.


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September 2013Race:-Halflings lose some of their resistance, and gain a slight vulnerability to weapons.

I know that Halfling blademasters were to powerful. Some combos are.

But was there the need to nerf all other Halfling classes?


Halflings can be the following classes:

Warrior, Thief, Cleric, Healer, Blademaster and Ranger.

Stat Maxes:

STR: 17 INT: 17 WIS: 21 DEX: 25 CON: 20


From my bard analysis, this vuln appears to be equal to all other vulns but applied to all physical damage. The players I spoke with said that it looked so. I have no idea if they lost some of their resistance to magic.


Is the vulnerability really necessary?

We moved from old Gnome bash damage vulnerability to something more interesting. Why don't do the same for Halfling.

They already have pitty STR and small size. Their only advantage was the magic resistance and slightly higher AC due to Dex.

Giants have physical resistance and no damage vuln (except FG) and a lot of other strengths, and it's alright. I fail to see how non-BLM halflings were such a problem.


Can't halfling blade-masters have some class penalties, like elven ones have bonus?






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To be honest, and in probably only my opinion I thought only Half Blademasters what were in WM were a bit too overpowered.  I hate to say it though, but I agree with mya that the vuln that all halflings received is a bit too steep.  


That mundane vuln is similar to ogres magic weakness.

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No it's not.


To be fair, a vulnerability to "physic" is not equal to a vulnerability to "magic". As the "physic" one would only affect the saves of spells that do physical damage such as "Sharpmetal" "Earthquake" and "Meteor Swarm", and to "magic" would affect the saves of all other spell who do "magic" damage.  Saves calculations factor both the "spell type" and "damage type", and only the damage type affects resistence/vulnerabitity impact in saves. This mechanic allows for example the spell "sleep" who is type "mental" but does "charm" damage to benefit "charm" resistant races like Elves.   

Which means nothing to players, since they can't act to change it, and could have changed as I recall Morlhach saying something about him tweeking vulns in spell save check.


Hum, does the "No it's not." refers to saves or to the damage reduction in meele attacks? Does Halfling vulnerability increases damage by a lower factor than other vulnerabilities? Because from my halfling perspective it does not.

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