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Ebah and Melfron


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I always thought the blademasters were designed to fit that archetype of smaller, agile fighters as opposed to warriors being the larger, more brutish version. Giving warriors a path structure might allow for smaller races to do better, but I really don't think of that as an important issue compared to other class works and new content.

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Blademasters are the single most overpowered class in the game. It is a fucking MYSTERY as to why this class has not been toned down. A dwarf blade master? Dwarves are stocky(read fat) creatures that are NEVER heralded for their dexterity in battle. Shield path was introduced to help smaller sized races, but in the end it just made the lore only valuable for giants. Why? Because they can use two-handed weapons AND a shield. It literally did nothing to help the smaller races. Nothing. Ogres have the same dexterity as dwarves, btw. Size and strength are SO huge. From weapons to damage WITH those weapons. A smaller race can not compete. You have less hit/dam in favor for dexterity when dexterity REALLY doesn't help you. How do I know it doesn't? Because FGs have 15 and still kick ass BECAUSE they have 25 str and are giants. 


I don't know the solution. It can't be a race thing. It has to be a race/class thing. Smaller warriors are trained in THIS(whatever THIS is) that can compete with that size and strength. If you give THIS to the race, then it makes already overpowered(read blademasters) that much more. 


Maybe its an issue of equipment is interchangeable but not weapons? How can the same full plate fit a giant and a halfling, but that giant can use a 2hander in main and dual wield and the halfling can't? Will that change a lot? It'd break the game damn near, I'm sure.



I don't believe we have the coding capacity to fix this problem nor do we have the player numbers to WARRANT such a huge change. 


So, really.. the big issues that exist will probably always exist. I don't see big class changes happening. I see small content from areas to quick, easy changes to lore or individual skills. 


The time investment required to make these changes will not have a valuable return. Unfortunately. 

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Damnit, man, you're trying and I like it!  I like anything that pushes the envelope and takes a stab at that Sacred Cow.  Who says things have to stay the same?  Let's try something different!  Let's move away from the cliched.  Let's kill off hard coded cabal vendettas.  Let's...oh, what am I saying...I'm going to bed.  Been down this road one too many times in the last few years.

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I agree on the small warrior combos.

You can take shield lore, but shield lore does to little.

Not discussing shield lore, a warrior who wears a shield gives up half his meele + arrows. That's a lot you give up.

Shield lore should give you full blown protective shield. At least this way you can join a cabal with active skills and use your superior mana pool to spam an active damage skill/spell and try to overdamage them.


And Dwarf warriors are fine. :D

Dweargar sucks, but that's because they get a lot less HP compared to dwarves.


Also, someone post the log of this epic Zerk vs Feral Cleric fight.

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