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Fun With Botched Pronunciation!


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Twin and I were talking while LoLing the other day and, as my first voice chat with someone I met on FL, we had some fun showing how we pronounced the various names you all come up with. I thought this could be a fun thread so here goes!

Anoo-may or Anooom? I say Anoo-may, not even realizing that Anoom was an option before he enlightened me. Which did you intend, Anume? :)

Zaiis - Zai-ease

Exercurael - Exer-sir-ale (Trick makes my favorite names in FL)

Zoichan - Zoy (as soy)-Chan

Those are just a couple that pop into my head right now, what are some of yours?


Of COURSE I have to reinforce this one again xD

Djriacen - DJ(as in Django)-Rye-a-sin

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and the Champpion appreas. You've no fucking idea how mongol rapes your names... No you do not.


I can go and record this with my beardy voice. But I is too lazy, so here u enjoy rape


Zais - Zais.

Anume - Anime

Volghrats - Volgrats

Molrchach - Morlhak

Vorlhach - Vorlhak

Vaerick - Vayrik

Insepiddblahblah - Inseption

Execublah - BLINKBLIBK 

Zoichan - as in zombie zoichan yus

DJriacen - u faggot I need to talk with us moar

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I always thought Morlhach was the same pronunciation as Morlock from The Time Machine. I say Morl - hatch anyway just to be stupid, and it's fun to say.


For the record I always said Anume as  A-Noo-May. 


Volgathras Vol-Gath-Russ


Vaerick- Verrick.


Ekhurift- Eh-cure-rift. It's probably pronounced how it sounds though.


Excarde- Ex-Card. Do you pronounce the last E there?


Urist- Yer-ist


Hgurkei- *sneeze*


Nodach- No-Datch.   No-dock? 

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Well I guess I just naturally said them right. Unless I am talking to my wife where Anume becomes Eshaine. ;) (wife always says who is Anume? She remembers Eshaine.

OK so maybe I pronounced Vaerick and Volgathras wrong. I have been saying V-Erik.

And I always move Volgathras' R when I say his name, Volgrathas. Its just my chaotic tendencies.

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Anume: A-new-me / A-new-may - depends on mood, usually the latter
Navi: Nah-vee, because Nah-ruth-iron felt like I was saying it wrong.  Nah-ruh-thee-ron?  Nay-ruh-thee-ron?  Nay-rue-thee-ron?  Pfft.  Navi.
Volg: Vohl-ga-thrass
Vaerick: Vay-rick - though if the ae was used to signify æ, that changes things to sound like the 'a' in apple or altitude.

Grimulfr: Gri-mull-fer



Ekhurift: EHk-her-ift
Excarde: Ex-card
Hgurkei: I'm with Twinblades on this one.
Garacci: Grah-key - I know.  I butcher it.  Gah-rah-chee?
Urist: Oo-rist
Tkanzhar: Tuh-can-zar




I can't think of anyone else at the moment that would be questionable in their pronunciation.

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^^^^^^^..And these were the Imms that made my monk change his name last year..^^^^^


Brewsley- I know what your thinking...but his parents were druids...


Hepheus says 'I'm sure you knew that name wouldn't make it too far.'

<300hp 317m 321mv> say I wrote a history to roleplay it
You say 'Ii wroTe a hisSztoRy toOo Rooleplay it'

<300hp 317m 321mv>
Hepheus says 'I'm not sure I see a connection of how your history makes the name okay in any way.'

<300hp 317m 321mv> say I have more history to complete the connection
You say 'II have more hiistory To complete the connectIon'

<300hp 317m 321mv>
Hepheus says 'I don't see how any history can make the name okay.'

<300hp 317m 321mv> scra
You scratch yourself on the head... confused.

<300hp 317m 321mv>
Hepheus says 'It's a changed spelling of a famous name.  That's just not permitted.'

<300hp 317m 321mv> say It's what my parents gave me
You say 'It'Zsz what my parentZSs gave me'

<300hp 317m 321mv>
Hepheus says 'If your parents gave you dumbdumb as a name, we'd still make you change it.'

<300hp 317m 321mv>
Hepheus looks much healthier.

<300hp 317m 321mv>
Hepheus looks much younger.

<300hp 317m 321mv> say My real name is Barttholow, my parents called me Brew, everyone at the orphanage has the last name lei
You say 'MMy reaL name iIZSs barTThoLoW, my parentZsz calleD me brew, everyone at the orphanaghe hasSs the lasSst name leii'

<300hp 317m 321mv>

<300hp 317m 321mv>
Hepheus says 'I understand your trying to put together a good story to make it work.  But the fact is, it's the changed spelling of
 a common or famous name, which is not permitted.'

<300hp 317m 321mv> say I keep it tight on rp
You say 'Ii kehep it tight oN rp'

<300hp 317m 321mv> say okay how about first name stays Brewslei but I add a last name.
You say 'Okay hOw abOut fiRsSzt Name szstayss brewZSslei but iI add a laszst Name.'
<300hp 317m 321mv>
Hepheus says 'I'm not saying yes.  I'm going to return you, and when I get confirmation that the rest of the staff is not okay with
 it, you'll be right back here changing it.'

<300hp 317m 321mv>
Hepheus gallantly tips his hat.

<300hp 317m 321mv> salu hep
You raise your hand in salute to Hepheus.

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I'm not just crazy, I'm tone deaf, so where stressed syllables go, I don't f'in know.  Legit frustrated the Brit Lit professor when she realized I'd never even be competent with scansion unless I devoted hours to memorizing where stresses are supposed to be in words.  


As for Brewsley, yeah, I remember that.  The Player Base was making fun of it even before the staff saw it.  Bruce Lee.  Monk.  Even f0xx would have changed it and his first language isn't English.

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Is Brewsley any worse than...



  1. 1.
    a body of troops or police officers, standing or moving in close formation.
    "six hundred marchers set off, led by a phalanx of police"
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It isn't. Plenty of people in the past have been named after things (generally not super common terms, this type of name is a grey area, as lastnames and sometimes first names have historically been derived by an occupation or other event/circumstance) but Brewsley was named after an actual famous person.


Edit: That said, I personally prefer people make entirely original names, but some less common terms have been accepted in the past. Phalanxe was one we decided to let go.

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