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You too can log everything without having to manually create a log before you connect or save your buffer after you log out.
Here's how!
Sadly, this is for Zmud and Cmud only, though I'm sure you can modify it for other clients.  Feel free to post below an auto-connect script for your particular client.
Each of the following will save the log with the file name in Day Month Year format such as: 22Nov15.txt
This can be changed in a number of ways including using a variable in the name so you can reference a certain character.
Also, when reconnecting, the file should be appended if connecting on the same day.  A new day brings a new file.
Onward to the scripts!

You'll need triggers and to specify the file location (the folder MUST exist BEFORE logging):

#TRIGGER {Abandon hope, all ye who enter here...} {#log %concat(C:\Program Files (x86)\zMUD\AabahranTheForsakenLands\Logs\%time(d),%time(mmm),%time(y))}#TRIGGER {You have escaped from the Forsaken Lands.} {#log}

Easier with its events and will automatically log to the session folder:

#EVENT OnConnect {#log %concat(%time(d),%time(mmm),%time(y))}#EVENT OnDisconnect {#log}

Using a variable could look similar to the following OnConnect event: 

#EVENT OnConnect {#log %concat(@Char,"_",%time(d),%time(mmm),%time(y))}

If @Char=Naruthiron for example, with that underscore included, the file name would look like: Naruthiron_22Nov15.txt
This way, all you have to do is change the variable to make it easier in which character you've logged when referencing your logs again.
WARNING: In both of these cases, it WILL log your password if your commands are echoed and you log in manually.
Use of the #gag command should help if you're worried about it.  Alternately on starting your log, you can match a pattern after your login information such as: "It has been * since your last visit."  If you wish to do this with CMUD, you must make a trigger similar to the ZMUD one above or create your own event, and shouldn't use the OnConnect event.

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You can click a button on Z/Cmud, too.  This script helps lazy people log.  How often have you seen on the Shoutout forums or elsewhere people asking "Did you log that?"  A few, I would imagine.  Now those same people can say 'yes' even if they forgot to or were too lazy to click a button.  AND it automatically names the file, something that clicking a button in Z/Cmud can't do.

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I'm sure you can set up the logging as a trigger rather than an event, so you can avoid the risk of it catching your password. Setting to to the MOTD, for instance, to start it.



You're right.  You can.

Use of the #gag command should help if you're worried about it.  Alternately on starting your log, you can match a pattern after your login information such as: "It has been * since your last visit."  If you wish to do this with CMUD, you must make a trigger similar to the ZMUD one above or create your own event, and shouldn't use the OnConnect event.

Using the MOTD can be unwise as you can pull up that file by typing in MOTD.  I'm not quite sure what'll happen if in that scenario, but I don't think trying to start a log multiple times in a session will be good for the file.

Personally, I don't care if it catches my password as I'm not uploading full files unedited anyway.  If I'm editing a log, that section is gone regardless.

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