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I've finally had the time to look through some problems we've had with our forums.


Number one, we had too many themes (I did, anyway) and it was hard to force the 'anonymity' on two forums. Because of this, we were forced to make shoutouts and pk log posts subject to approval by a moderator, first, to make sure people were actually posting anonymously.


I've looked through the php code and chosen 3 themes - the mobile theme, a light theme, and a dark theme, and made sure that when posting in shout outs, or pk logs, that your post is, by default, anonymous.


If you don't post anonymous, it's because you unchecked the box. It will be checked by default, in all themes, so that you will always post anonymous. While I can't force anonymous (ie, make it so you can't uncheck it) if you keep your grubby fingers off of the check box, you'll be fine.


This means that all the forums are able to post anonymously again, without IMM approval. This makes it so IMMs can see WHO posts rather than just deleting it if it doesn't meet our rules (making our lives easier) and making your lives easier.


Hope this makes things better. :)

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