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@mya. I havent, Druid is out because I don't want to cut into exploring time.  Paladin is one I'm interested in, Dark knight looks very appealing and strong!  Or at least to me they look strong... only downside is I have no idea on equipping an evil not even basic gear.  Usually I'm running around in the blackwatch set for basics.  That's my only issue with evils as of now.

I'm curious about something with battlemage.  With consumables being strong and gear professing can they match the other classes evenly?  Just curious why I've never seen one but I've seen every other class.

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Upkeep is arguably the only downside to BMG's because it limits your race selection if you don't want to go Savant. I used to play them almost exclusively...I've had one in every cabal except Syndi, WM (obv) and Herald.  A Savant BMG is a top-notch powerhouse if you have even a mediocre (to use Anume's term) level of experience.  But similar to Paladins, they're not the easiest to land a kill with.  There's somewhat of a luck factor to them in which: a) you get your opponent low enough in HP and land a big damage round with one of your two High AFF dmg spells -or- b ) you run your opponents out of gyvels and capitalize.  However, there are small things you can do to influence the tide of a battle and/or make fleeing difficult for your opponent (but that's also fairly lucky).  Anecdotally, you used to see a lot more before their main defensive spell was nerfed several years ago.

If you want to try one, I'd shoot for Savant -- great for PvP and PvE.

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Invokers have the most straight forward skills.  Push button A, nuke goes off.  Push button B, you are immune to magic.  There are tactics involved for sure as with any mage, but IMO invokers get good returns on their skills when used.  Battlemages are far more about finesse and timing.  A few factors have to go your way and you can help with that by capitalizing on those factors.  

Example A: If someone dirt kicks you as an invoker they have two rounds of lag.  You basically have two general options: use a damage spell or dispel them (just using generics here so I'm not talking about which damage spells as different one's have different bonus affects).

Example B:  If someone dirt kicks you as a battlemage, you have more options to consider.  Is their weapon cursed?  Do I go for blind and disarm or dispel and damage.  Or maybe I should disarm and damage them if their weapon is not cursed to get in some rounds against them.

Basically, battlemages have more options of things they can do to hinder the opponent in combat.  They rely on their upkeep spells to do damage if they are not casting afflictive spells.  Personally, I do better on invokers than I do on battlemages in terms of winning pks.  But, with battlemages you are much more survivable and much more versatile in pve.


Edit:  Take my opinion as a returning player who has previously played mages a lot.  I've been gone for about six years, so lots of things have changed and I'm a noob about them.

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Invokers do seem more straightforward and I definitely want to try one.  The only downside I see with them is I would assume they're more equipment dependent than a Battlemage.  Only reason I say that is a Battlemage has more defenses and spells to increase ac.  Offensive wise I have no idea since I've never seen or fought either at high level.  I'd assume Invoker since mages usually deal the most but the Battlemage would have constant damage from spells, blades, dancing blade and such so not really sure.  Oh and also, Invoker looks like in a lot of cases it'd be harder to explore with since they don't appear like they could tank as well through high areas.  

I love the idea of enchanting armor/equipment and mana charging even though I'm no even sure on that last one.  Not sure how much you can enchant or what it does but it might help me with gear.

I'm just basing this off help files so forgive me if I'm wrong.  I'm keeping a log of info for each class as it's shared so any info on Invoker is appreciated.

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Equipment-wise, to maximize offensive power all an invoker needs is a charged staff (and a lot of innate mana, hence the rarity of non-elf/faerie invokers), and all a bmg needs is a decent weapon to dance.  Beyond that, for both classes, all your eq is about upping your hp, mana, ac and saves.  I'd agree that an invoker's power is a bit more tied to eq than a bmg's, but don't underestimate invokers with minimal eq - a dispel and two hellstreams after you lag yourself can always ruin your day regardless of how decked the invoker is.


Invokers are surprisingly decent at exploring on their own, partly since they have sanc and create food/water innately, but largely because of mana shield - a good percentage of tough mobs use magical attacks, and invokers are completely immune to those with the right shield up.

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