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Basic Equiping


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Is there a basic equipment guide anywhere?  Not a list of the best of the best items, but a general list for melee/caster/hybrids that gives noobs an idea on what items they can atleast use after dying.  Most of what I know is black steel, titanium bracers, teeth necklaces, opal rings etc... Not very good even for a melee but  I wear these on every class because it's all I really know.  Been making a list of items people show me in game but if there's one here that'd be a huge boost to me in game.


Edit: Oh also, I was told as a BMG to keep an eye for -ac and +hp gear.  My ac is already past -400 just how low am I wanting it lol.  Also is it typical for mages/communer guilds to equip the same items?  I'm assuming hybrids wear either mage or melee items depending on how the character is played to maintain a balance in skills/spells.

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Unfortunately there is not a guide currently made that I am aware of, I think it would be a good idea, especially for our newer players. I will work on starting a list of some stuff for you specifically and post them when I am able to (probably be about a hour from now).

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If this is who I think it is, here's a list for a melee (also works for a rough). I took your eq as a base and just edited in.

If someone is interested I can post a mage/communer base too, though I bet I am missing a lot of possibilities there. I suggest the player of Lykiss post here (who regularly kicks my arse).

So, melee / rough, level 50:

<used as light>      banner of raladria, illuminated disc, blissful falls, yard

<worn on finger>     an ornate copper ring (see if you can get a fingerbone, if it is there, you can get it alone)

<worn on finger>     the Ring of Herd Mahn - try to get something else there. Many people can solo blood but some classes suck at that, dragonscale ring would work well though. Else saphire ring or even the one from everwild (lancelot if good, scarab if evil)

<worn around neck>   an emerald brooch (emerald brooches with a topaz in them are an ok starting item for a melee at 50. Upgrade to a reaver’s necklace though you’ll probably need some help there)

<worn around neck>   see above

<worn on head>       a monk’s cowl (monastery)

<worn on ear>        werewolf’s tooth

<worn on torso>      fullplate / shadow plate with a topaz, keeper’s tunic with topaz (blissful falls, yard)

<worn on arms>       rope armwraps (monastery)

<worn on hands>      inquisitor’s gauntlets with a topaz (blissful falls, yard)

<worn on legs>       a pair of leather chaps (okish, I’d get silken leggings from Raladria though) tentacle leg plates if you are evil – or charlatan’s slacks from blissful falls (yard), layered trousers from the yard if you are a monk

<worn on feet>       oaken boots help you dodge or blackwatch one (low level), around 40 you can already get the shiny steel boots from the captain in the caverns, upgrade would be hard to get alone though, from Vlad, from Steel or the riftkin ones or the ones from gear (void leggings), you probably can’t get any of these alone though

<worn as shield>     the Shield of Horns – okish if you want to wear a shield, upgrades are noremove shields, either from your cabal, from arena with a soul tear of the shield of gear with a soul tear of the one from Mandragora in the ford

<worn about body>    minor / major globe from mahn tor, or the cloak of righteousness or more melee oriented stuff like the scourge cloak (volcano, evil only), there’s also a cloak in blissfull falls though I forgot the name (yard)

<worn about waist>   coral belt with topaz – cummberbund or belt of barbs, both from blissful falls, yard, if it is there

<worn around wrist>  easiest and best choice IMO are the cufflinks from the monastery, same place you get the armwrapps, you can also get glass bracelets with a topaz though, or steel cuffed bracers or even coral bracers, heirlooms are probably the best thing out there, but you can’t get those alone unless you kill someone for them (well most people anyway)

<worn around wrist>  see above

<worn on face>       veil from the shadow grove, lip spike

<floating nearby>    (Red Aura) (Glowing) a floating black orb (if you don’t get negative con with that.. ok.. though really not great. Maybe someone will gift you with a powerspring from gear, what you can get alone and which is superior to even that is the wheel from the monastery (quest item), you have to do a very long quest for that though, basically giving 3 people the correct page from a book (correct for your align, align matters) – if you can shoot, use a bow, either the anduin one (via quest) or the consecrated one of the one from Lerant

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For a pure melee I like to go with a mix of hit/dam and Saves. This is also assuming you are level 50 (generally for lower levels once I hit 30ish, I will grab a few things to replace the stuff from Kashangal but I try and not worry about any of the bigger ticket/harder to get items because it will be so much easier to grab once you are 50.

So it generally will look like this: (leftmost is non-rare, moving right to what I would ideally like to get)


Light: Lantern from the dark knight near the Nexus Fortress, Banner from Rralardia

Rings: Copper from the hamlet, Fingerbone from Sai-Lam in Monestary/Dragonscale from Faction of Blood

Neck: Neckguards from Arena with Topaz's from the Volcano, Moonstone Pendant/Cloak of Moving Shadows/Reaver Necklace (Basically the selection here is based upon what is available and what is lacking, meaning if I am playing a Giant race and need aff saves, Moonstone pendant)

Head: Waterproof Barrel from Dwindle/Combat Helmet from arena/helmet from Goblin Lieutenant, Double Plated Helm/Horns of Cthulu from Drstam, Ranger Lord's Stetson/Captain's Helmet/Crown of Might/Crown of Lunar Trinity(if need saves and good)

Torso: T-Shirt of Rheydin, Titanium Fullplate/Ice Armor/Fullplate of Twin Sabres/Adeptus

Arms: Decorated Arm Bands/Slimy Arm Bands from Mudmonster, Silken Sleeves from the thief in Maelbrim/Poison Barbed Gauntlets/Satanic Sleeves/Bracer of Serpents with Black Sapphire

Hands: Spiked Gauntlets from King in Dragon Tower, Cleaning Gloves from Jessica in Labyrinth/Spiked Light-Steel Gauntlets/Flaming Gauntlets (if good), Titanium Powerfists from Adeptus

Legs: Double Plated Leggings, Tentacle Leg Plates/Stained Loincloth, Adeptus Legs

Feet: Jagged Edged Boots from Centaurs/Shiny boots from Caverns, Void Leggings/Spiked Light-Steel Boots/Burnished Steel Boots

Body: Dusty Cloak, Minor/Major Globe/Scourge or Scarlet cloak from Volcano, Cloak of Righteousness/Nimbus of Power

Wrists: Titanium Bracers/Cufflinks, Marked Bracers/Glass Bracers/Steel Cuffed Bracers/Coral Bracers,Heirloom of Vargo

Face: Violet Veil from Hamlet, Alignment Veil from High Tower, Adeptus Face/Mask of Despair

Floating: Wheel from Monastery/Floating Black Orb, Ensnaring Orb/Cabal Item/Ranged Weapon



I tend to not worry about high AC and just go for +HP gear and saves

Light: Magic Sparkler/Illuminated Disc, ClockTower Spike/Ethereal Radiance

Rings: Ornate Copper/Mind Ring from Agent, Platinum Ring from Overseer/Crustacean Ring from keeper of crabs, Polished Marble ring from Iggilwiv/Ring of Moral Ambiguity

Neck: Iconic Amulet, Moonstone Pendent/Cloak of Moving Shadows(its ability to mask your spell time can be useful)/Winterwolf Cloak

Head: Double Plated Helm/Horns of Cthulu, Scalp of the Gigantic Squid/Blazing Halo from Monastery

Torso: T-Shirt, White Lab Coat/Ice Armor

Arms: SilkSteel Harness/Poison Barbed Gauntlets/Satanic Sleeves

Hands: black silk evening gloves

Legs: Crabshell Leggings/silk pantaloons

Feet: Shiny Boots from Justicier, Boots of Protection, Slimy Boots/Void Leggings

Body: Dusty Cloak, Minor/Major Globe/Scarlet cloak from Volcano (if not evil), Cloak of Righteousness/Nimbus of Power/Wizard Shroud from Centaurs

Wrists: Blue Bracer from Blue Sergeant, Glass Bracelets, Bracelet of Magic

Face: Violet Veil, Dragonbone Mask/Hakaeshar's Eyes/SoulReaver's Fangs(maybe it is a mask now?)

Floating: floating black orb, Animated blue orb/Warped Skull, orb of ensnarement

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That depends a lot on your race / class / cabal as well as on playstyle.

Trick for example usually goes ALL hr dr on his warriors, I prefer to have some decent saves.

In general you should try to have 40 + hr dr on a pure melee / melee-rough. If you do not have any vulns, -30 saves is enough. If you do have vulns you need to double that. Also consider who your enemy is and then decide on which save eq to use. Best is of course something that gives you both svspell and hr dr (and defense boni on top).

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1 hour ago, Quicksilver said:

When you say saves, are you talking about a cumulative of all saves or just a category like savevsspell?

It depends what the PBase is looking like. There isn't any reason to stockpile -mal saves if you're not fighting classes that use those spell types. There are so many options for armor these days that you can quickly and easily change out a few pieces to tailor your set to face whatever threat is presenting itself currently. And then you have to factor in the play style of the person you are fighting. For example, dark knights. Are you fighting a dark knight that is relying heavily on their maledictive spells or are they just going balls out melee damage? Is that invoker spamming ice storm or are they attempting to set up a dispel magic? A death religion cleric or a combat religion cleric? These things all play into how you want to set up. 

Also, each race will have its own needs for equipment. For example, as an Ogre I see absolutely ZERO value in obtaining afflictive saves as your magic vuln is so heavy that those saves aren't going to do much. Get mental or mal saves instead, depending on what you're fighting. But, as a feral a high -afflictive save can protect you from taking heavy damage for fireballs.

Going along with what Anume said, a lot of equipping comes to play style. I am very aggressive with my equipment when I play a melee and I, personally, find success with it. I've seen people try it and it doesn't work for them.

I'm not 100% on the soft and hard caps for hit and dam, but I know they exist. To ballpark it I believe the fall off is around 55hit and 60dam, but I could be way off in that.

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5 minutes ago, Trick said:

It depends what the PBase is looking like. There isn't any reason to stockpile -mal saves if you're not fighting classes that use those spell types. There are so many options for armor these days that you can quickly and easily change out a few pieces to tailor your set to face whatever threat is presenting itself currently. And then you have to factor in the play style of the person you are fighting. For example, dark knights. Are you fighting a dark knight that is relying heavily on their maledictive spells or are they just going balls out melee damage? Is that invoker spamming ice storm or are they attempting to set up a dispel magic? A death religion cleric or a combat religion cleric? These things all play into how you want to set up. 

Also, each race will have its own needs for equipment. For example, as an Ogre I see absolutely ZERO value in obtaining afflictive saves as your magic vuln is so heavy that those saves aren't going to do much. Get mental or mal saves instead, depending on what you're fighting. But, as a feral a high -afflictive save can protect you from taking heavy damage for fireballs.

Going along with what Anume said, a lot of equipping comes to play style. I am very aggressive with my equipment when I play a melee and I, personally, find success with it. I've seen people try it and it doesn't work for them.

I'm not 100% on the soft and hard caps for hit and dam, but I know they exist. To ballpark it I believe the fall off is around 55hit and 60dam, but I could be way off in that.


No one commits fully to the suicidal nature that is Trick's melees :D  

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