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Just spam Hellstream. Works in 80% of cases :D


Invoker PK is one of the most straight foward of all classes.

Just fully charge your staff, have some decent mana 1400+ and some decent HP, at least 700-800. Best if 1000 HP.

Some saves to prevent silence and other nasty stuff then it's all spell spamming.

If you are having trouble, I suggest just random PKing. You will learn lots. Just jump people and try new stuff. But be nice.

You will lose some and there is no need to have people get mad at you and go on personal vendetas cause you jumped someone and fully sacked them.

Actual tactics, are mostly spamming spells, throwing a random dispel or three to check their saves, and resting with firestorm up to prevent openers.

PS: Also go read some Invoker logs to learn something.


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On 07/07/2016 at 8:21 PM, Kyzarius said:

Did Mya just suggest someone trash pk just to learn a class? 

This from the guy who gets his first Lich app kill by murdering some random moderate zerk with whom he never interacted, while said moderate is raged fighting Garmex for gear. :taunt:

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12 hours ago, mya said:

This from the guy who gets his first Lich app kill by murdering some random moderate zerk with whom he never interacted, while said moderate is raged fighting Garmex for gear. :taunt:

Lol.  First and only kill for that app!

My goal was to make a character appear evil without ever having to  pk, and I succeeded but was still required to get the one.  

Just think Mya, you made Rathanous possible. ?

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Do NOT spam spells - spamming spells is how an invoker loses (a disarm goes through you weren't expecting and your spell lags you longer than you expected) or his prey gets away, since you have zero lag potential without certain cabal pets.  Proper choice of offensive spell is essential - you can hit most vulns, if the melee you are fighting isn't using burn proof weapons you can destroy them with ice storm, and call lightning is death to high AC enemies.  Whatever you do, do not spam - invokers are incredibly reliant on quickly reacting to changing battle circumstances, and you do not want to waste time dispelling again after the previous cast dropped sanc or having another ice storm stopping you from chasing after a flee.

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