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Newbie Cabal Warfare


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There is no force in the world that can "force" you to do something you don't want, my friend. This is a game. You play it to have fun. Getting utterly destroyed will 1) bring no fun and only misery and 2) will teach you nothing. If you are getting utterly destroyed, then by all means, avoid your opponent at all costs. 

What you are supposed to do though, is stand for your cabal. Try to be of some help. Find a way to annoy the enemy, even if it means just popping by to burn his consumables while he sits in front of his cabal, waiting for you to come and retrieve.


[edit] I remember my bard utterly destroying Trick's ogre barb ranger in a duel. Dude hid at Valcor, dragged the duel for a loooong time and eventually just caught me offguard, completely annoyed and not caring for the result and won. Now he has the bragging rights and I can only sob in the corner, even though we both know how things went. I remember implementing some of the same tactics against a certain character of Chesta, against which I stood no chance.

All is fair in love and war mate.

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You are required to defend your cabal.  You are not required to commit suicide (death is to be avoided).  The staff are happy if a reasonable attempt is made, even if you fail.

Equip yourself to a reasonable level.  This means if you're naked, get some items ... Blackwatch guard, tainted armor, red dragon armor ... before engaging.  Grabbing a higher tiered item or two before engaging isn't necessarily bad, but don't look for a trip to Gear and Desolation "to get ready" while a vendetta'd cabal comes knocking.  Again, be reasonable.  Non-caballed characters, bounty hunters, etc have more wriggle room.  Being short a piece or two because you're not "fully equipped" isn't a good excuse.  Likewise if you're nearly in a full suit and you're down a piece or two to complete it, it won't fly either.

If it's someone who will annihilate you completely, it's the attempt that's counts.  Annoy, harass, harry, etc.  Attack, flee, heal, repeat.  Nothing says you have to stick it out til one of you is dead.  If you lose 30-50% of your health in a round or two, enjoy the taste of Diet Recall™, now with half the calories of regular Recall™.



If any of the above is in error, I'm sure the staff will be happy to correct me or expand.


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  • Implementor

^^ all good.

We expect a caballed char to try to retrieve at least once if they are unable to defend. You can also get cabal gear by typing outfit in an area owned by your cabal.

You are not required at all to die. Try to grab the standard, if it doesn't work, get out of there.

Also always plan a retreat tactic before you engage anyone or try to retrieve.

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What sucks is when its one of those  class vs class that can just get it back in a couple rounds and you can't stop.  And yet they cant kill you, so you get their item...then they get it back...then you get it...then they get it back.....who logs off first?!?!?!!?!?

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  • 3 weeks later...
On 7/11/2016 at 6:10 AM, egreir said:

What sucks is when its one of those  class vs class that can just get it back in a couple rounds and you can't stop.  And yet they cant kill you, so you get their item...then they get it back...then you get it...then they get it back.....who logs off first?!?!?!!?!?



None of that is bad... Sometimes you have to leave and you'll loose your standard. But it'll be noticed that you had back and forth and when you were able you made every effort.


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13 minutes ago, egreir said:

I meant it sucks, in my opinion, as a player just because I want to win...and when it's one of those things where you can't stop them and they can't stop you...ugh, i hate it lol

At that point, I usually just stop trying to get the standard and focus on killing my enemy. You're not going to stop a strong character from getting it. 9/10 times they WILL get it back. Does it give you an edge if they drained? Sure, but if you're on my ass chasing my to my cabal, I'm prolly going to veer off and not return it to my altar right away. Or I'll take it to an ally's cabal. Only time its REALLY effective is if you have more than one person to help defend that weak ass altar.

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