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I bet Pip and Kip are just acting cute and cuddly but they're really training their butts off and challenging each other a lot. Then when you least expect it at 50! BAM!:eek:

Pip's brawl MUTILATES you!

That REALLY did hurt!

Kip's kicked dirt MUTILATES you!

You can't see a thing!

Pip's slash DISMEMBERS you!

Kip's stab LACERATES you!

You have been KILLED!!

Note: The above will probably be through sanc of course.

EDIT: Everyone knows if you actually die to a bard there's a check in the code and it prints an extra line. "Are you serious?! Please type Delete delete" Right?

Bards that sing of their own glories probably kick serious ***.

Thieves....they just suck. So do ninjas. And shamans. I hate shamans.

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OK first, they are gnomes, second they are bards, to be truthful I don't see a problem. Even if they have OOC connections as long as the RP reason is ok it should be fine. Gnome bards, lets think, what is the only class less violent that that? Healers. If you attack one, the other should be allowed to help. Of course if they where to run around starting fights, that would breach roll play of Gnome bards and should be hunted mercilessly. It is all about what roll play is allowed in my opinion. If RP states that one will help the other, don't attack them unless you want them both. Of course you could always try RP'ing with them, wow they are fun to be around.

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By that logic though, you will have people rolling families of slightly stronger race/class combos with the "Attack me, you get my brothers/sisters too" RP in my opinion. :(

It could turn into another way to promote ganging. Instead of just being that lone Drow Dark-knight who would get attacked, he adds a last name, gets an aim buddy to roll one up with the same last name. And there you have it. He gets attacked, gets in touch with his mate, and the two go after the attacker.

Sorry about going off on one, I'm just a big fan of worst case scenarios. :cool:

If that did start happening, it just seems like another way to gang people.

Bad things aside however, I haven't had the pleasure of bumping into either of them. I've only ever seen them online once. I bet they'll be a riot (not literally) at pinn.. :P


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We could throw on the limit that only gnome bards and faerie bards can have families. :rolleyes::D I never heard a complaint about the Twendrist so I'm guessing they handled themselves perfectly when it came to this question/problem. If someone was to attack one of the twins I wouldn't doubt both would throw the beat down if grouped at the time. If the player asks for it, then they get it and of course we all know that.

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