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Game Plot Forum.


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So, I noticed a few days ago that this forum was added and I have a few questions about it, but before I go about listing out questions/concerns, does the Staff have any guidelines or comments about that forum? I'm sure most of what I am going to ask has been addressed or discussed before the forum was added, so I figured it'd be easier if someone could make a post and anyone that doesn't understand a particular area or has a concern could follow up.


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We're currently discussing details.  Id like to see it as told by a "Tavern Owner" in a third party POV that outlines ongoing plots as they unfold in order to allow people to know what's going on and to be involved.  That being said understand it will be basic information that doesn't divulge OOC knowledge to players who shouldn't know things (secrets).  At the end of the plot, or end of that section of it, we can release more information as it progresses.  Using Herald to help moderate basic in game knowledge has also been considered.  Well let you know as soon as the decision is made.

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