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Divine Intervention & lores


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Just now, Magick said:

 Or you can ask in game.  Either works.

True but to be honest I'd hate to make a character just to ask people what does this religion do, and this one, and this one and so on.  I just had a RP idea I've been working on for about a few weeks and was going to start today but can't take the religion I had in mind for RP purposes so I have to select a different one. 

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You and I could have an interesting and long discussion in game with a current character (if any) on how to beat the various clerics with the various holy hands that they may have.  Don't need to make a new character to do that unless you're currently toon-less.


That being said, you could message someone that knows the cleric HH/DI's or the various warrior lores or whatever with a snippet RP and see what they think.  Direct talk about HH/DI/etc isn't permitted, but doesn't mean they can't offer a suggestion for a specific religion.

Better yet, to keep your anonymity, take that question to prayer and ask the Imms which religion would have the best fit.

Or just pick a religion that fits your RP best and experiment.  Some HH/DI's are better in PK than others (Combat/Discord are favorites), but all have some fun quirks.


And then while you're having fun with your new toon experimenting with HH or DI or whatever, you can talk to other people about the other religions and so on.

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