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Offensive output


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So, more than two people were in the wrong here. People need to stop trying to moderate the forums and move forward with the discussion. And honestly, if I can disregard how crappy some people treated me on the forum, you guys can too. Anymore flames I see and I start pressing the ban button. Kind of tired of it.

So, back on topic. No more of the above.

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Haha love you guys and your derails sometimes.  I started this due to a post by I think it was Mya who said Ferals can get more attacks per round on average and have better defenses so I wondered which would be better overall.  If we were to give the two characters the same gear and allow them to attack the same target which would kill it faster.  It's much easier to compare offense rather than defense so I wanted to look at it from this point.  Defense can come down to ogre roar, which vuln is stronger, if a vuln is hit, racial abilities, dex, hp regen and probably a lot more I don't even know about so it's more of a situational thing.

It was indeed intended for a ranger, I'm wanting to go with an archer ranger RP that I've had because I loved the class with Gug but the only thing I felt I was missing was an RP angle.  Beastmaster is great but I'm pretty sure that I like archer more after testing the two for multiple reasons that I'll say now since I feel I got kind of an answer to my question.

1) More chance to hit with arrows than with pets, rapid fire means more arrows here.
2) Arrows that hit vulns, sleep to help escape, poison to bring out ninja/thieves
3) I think with high autoattack offensive output and that ash cloak thing to cover a vuln (if I can ever get it) added with their higher defense and sleep arrows an archer ranger might be able to explore better.
4) I can flee and keep more abilities for me to use and more offense vs a beastmaster with no pets who's waiting on them to find him.
5) Pretty sure arrow damage can get sick if I take artificer perk and hold that scroll to make me better at making them
6) After hearing from some people I learned that I wouldn't be able to use 3 beasts, bracer summoned golem and a cabal guard at the same time.  Seems like a waste to have an empty spot when I could choose a different path and have the same number of pets and only loose paralyze but gain poison, disease, sleep (not sure how often the spells land on these arrows vs saves though).

Downside is I don't think I'll be able to solo the pitlord so easily with less hp :(

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