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Is there food that doesn't decay?


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I swear I recall a "hard tack" food from somewhere that tends to last a while.  Miruvhor, maybe?  I'm generally just okay with running with milk, but I can understand the RP desire to not do so - eventually I'll stop, I keep telling myself, but damned if the milk isn't so freaking convenient.

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The more I think about it (and double checked logs), the more certain I am that I've never seen the cryo rations decompose.  Ever.

Then there's the ID:

Object 'rations cold cryo' is type food, material self perserved food.
Extra flags: glow.
Weight is 5, value is 1000, level is 50.

While the material itself doesn't mean much of anything, I'm 99% certain that they'll never decay.

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7 minutes ago, Magick said:

The more I think about it (and double checked logs), the more certain I am that I've never seen the cryo rations decompose.  Ever.

Then there's the ID:

Object 'rations cold cryo' is type food, material self perserved food.
Extra flags: glow.
Weight is 5, value is 1000, level is 50.

While the material itself doesn't mean much of anything, I'm 99% certain that they'll never decay.

Just because you haven't seen it decay doesn't mean it doesn't. :P

FWIW, it's about 800 ticks for cryo rations. About 350 for tack. 168 for herring. And your roasted duck is usually around 72 ticks.

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So I'm wrong.  It happens.  /shrug

I know that things decaying in containers don't show an echo as I've had my share of food rot that way.  Still looked.  :cheese:

Still, 800 ticks is about 6h 40m of real time whereas 350 is just shy of 4 hours.  Nothing to sneeze at and plenty of time to lose track of things.

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