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Thoughts, ideas on this.

[info]: See HELP VOTING. We need 5 votes to reach rank 5!

I was visiting Eldrigal and I noticed the place he plays has this as a world echo that every so often comes up. Like every six or so hours. Ideas on if anyone would think that would be a good thing on any game.

Edit:Dont hurt me for visiting another game. Was just visiting a friend!

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But of course, voting increases morale in the workforce, thus, increased productivity ontop of the good work already. And, the more votes we have, the higher our 'ranking', which means that we are percieved as a better, more popular MUD package than many others out there. Which means an increase to the consumer base size. This will result in less expenditure and an increase in sales proportional to the...

It stands to reason then, that voting does give benefit to us. ;)


EDIT: Forgot to comment on the idea. :P

On another MUD I have seen, rather than have an echo, they have a mob (it was a goblin I think) that yells to the entire lands about votes. Now instead of having a global echo, how about a mob in a common location (the town crier in Rheydin, perhaps?) that every so many hours, yells "Hey dudes! Like, totally 4 votes until we're first! Rock out!". It could be yelling it so only people in the town hear it, but still be on it's own channel, so that it can be deactivated if people get annoyed (if that's possible). You could possibly even fit it in with RP, like "Woah, rock out! Aabahran voted the 3rd best place to live man, with like, totally rockin' votes needed to be chosen 2nd!"


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