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High ac (non rare) eq


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Object 'muddy bauble' is type socket, material mud.
Extra flags: none.
Weight is 10, value is 950, level is 25.
Armor only socket.
Affects dex by 1.
Affects con by 1.
Affects ac by -8.


Object 'small charm' is type socket, material gold.
Extra flags: none.
Weight is 0, value is 653, level is 10.
Armor only socket.
Adds following to extra flags: magic
Affects wis by 1.
Affects ac by -7.
Affects move by 15.

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While the dex (and dex protection) is nice (and primarily against the one class), dex isn't the be all; end all.  The same 5 sockets as charms will give you 75 moves, which is anywhere between 7 and 75 additional rooms before you run out, flight/mount depending.  Couple that with the tall perk and the spider slippers and that's an extra 275 moves.  On a feral, that should be in the neighborhood of 700 total moves.

What do you mean you're tired?  I'm not even flying!  lol

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10 hours ago, Zhurong said:

I've had plenty of characters with 900 moves. Talk about walking circles, even while being enfeebled.


.... Why? I've found I've NEVER needed more then 500. 

If you can't outrun who you're trying to outrun with 500... You're already as good as dead ;) 

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I know there are times I've escaped by running my opponent out of moves, so stacking them isn't necessarily a bad idea.  You may be LOSING if you're doing this in most cases (not all, sometime running the enemy out of moves chasing you when you're apparently weak is a viable tactic), but that doesn't mean you're as good as dead so long as they can't fully catch up. ;) Try catching a paladin with heroism up who is just running a circuit around the world - it simply cannot be done unless you can guess the route or otherwise intercept.

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The point I was trying to make is we have some extremely good chasers here. 

So unless you're going to lose them in your first few area jumps, you're going to have a very hard time outrunning them. 

Just my opinion is all. I've never heard H&R or Despiser say "Damn, I wish I had a 100 more moves to catch that guy cause I ran out of movement." 

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Since moves is the only retained energy source at death, having an exceptional amount many times makes the difference on how quickly you can return to your corpse. While I do not count on extra moves to increase my survivability in each lifetime, I do think they may count over the combined lives over my characters. That said, remember L.A.'s signature. You can run, but you will only die tired.

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19 minutes ago, Manual Labour said:

you named 3 imms...is it hard to chase with goto?


Oddly enough I find it harder to chase people with goto then just walking behind them when I have the need to follow someone ;)

Goto is annoying 80% of the time except for that initial jump.

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13 hours ago, Neldrin said:

You have no idea how frustrating it is to goto someone to follow them around while they are moving....goto x, fol x, they aren't here.....goto x, fol x, they aren't here....f it....w, w, w, w, fol x, you now follow x

*grins* WAAAAAAY back in 1.0, my healer Pali (my namesake!) would find an IMM in a room chatting with someone, poke them, say "POKE!", and then start running/gating around the world until they could catch up and poke me back.  Took them a while sometimes. ;) 

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