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Sustain me?


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Also whats to keep someone from buying a bunch of waybread or kelp rations and water pack,setting trigger to feed and water oneself.

the fact that kelp and waybreads will rot away in a set amount of hours. I just stated my opinion as well as stating something that was said on a very old forum when someone asked nearly the same question. Dont take offense or get to damned snippy mmmmkkkkkk.

There is a skill that is somewhat a limited sustain, i wont talk about it though that for you to figure out.

hard tack. : P

EDIT: or... milk.... didn't read the whole thread.

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I found with Vespazien that part of the thrill of assassinating was in tryin to plan for when my hunger would hit... and worrying about if I would be noticed for the half a second it took for me to drink/eat and return to hiding.

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But, you can save space in your backpacks. For my ogres, I put milk into barrels. That way I'm not roaming around with 5 backpacks.

With my drows, I use the bottles.

For some cases, it's a waste of time. For others, it's not exactly a MUST DO type of thing, but it has it's benefits.

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OR just get a nodrop sack

That tenths its contents?

Or just don't sit around towns twiddling your thumbs waiting to get robbed.

Heh. Yeah, but I like to, and its nice knowing if blackjacked you will get to keep that 200k you dropped on potions and scrolls and pills.

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