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You know you have seen it all....


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Thats one of the points of the prayer forum, if you have a problem with the staff, you take it up with the staff. Posting deragotry comments about people who run this place(for free mind you) on the open forum, and not taking it to the proper means just reaks bitterness. And what does it try to show?

And, if they were going to ban him for his opinions in the prayer forum, they would have banned him for his opinions on the open forum, but as he got a warning, then I'd say taking it to the proper channels would probably have been a bit less severe.

And besides, it's not the opinions you get banned for, it's how you express your opinions. I disagree with Imms all the time, er, or used to, but I never got banned because I still gave them respect.


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Maybe everyone here read a bit too deep into his post of just the smiley face. Maybe...just maybe...he was commenting about how the person said Trib's were demoted and Iz pwned them saying they weren't and that was his way of 'laughing' about Iz showing the guy he was wrong.

I think everyone here is way to quick to get defensive..

Though I could be wrong.

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There are only a couple discussions I won't abide here on the forum.

Calling my staff lazy.

Calling my staff liars.

Calling my staff cheaters.

You can disagree with an issue or a stance all you want (On the forum, that is. In game, an IMM's word is reality, law, gospel, whatever you want to call something indisputable). You can debate it, discuss it, politely and civily argue about it. You might even convince an IMM once in a while. But no one has any right to insult this staff's integrity. Period.

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No one has the right to insult the staff's integrity HERE. They can go somewhere else and do it.

See? I'm even allowing you to be a complete and total d**khead and haven't banned you.


Additionally, sure. Anyone has the right to say whatever they want technically. I never said they didn't. I just said you will be forced to go elsewhere to post witty a$$hole comments afterwards. You'd also have no basis for said witty a$$hole comments since this staff is none of the three.


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See? I'm even allowing you to be a complete and total d**khead...

I was not being a d**khead! I detest the fact that you said that. I said nothing more than that the people here -DO- have the right to insult the staff, if they want to - all you can silence them, but you can't tell them they don't have certain freedoms. You did say: "But no one has any right to insult this staff's integrity. Period." I have nothing against the staff at all. I do have something against every ill-thought-of thing spawning from Out of Character connections.

...and haven't banned you.

Oh, how magnanimous. I'm not being banned for something I didn’t do wrong. :mad:

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