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| Rosk || the Master of Adamantite |


| Str: 24(24)^5 || Level: 46 Sex: M Age : 14(55h) |

| Int: 19(19) || Class: warrior Ethos: chaotic |

| Wis: 15(15) || Race : ogre Align: good |

| Dex: 18(18)^2 || Hp : 1287/1287 Exp : 17293/427207 |

| Con: 24(24)^1 || Mana : 445/445 |

\ Lck: [||||--] \/ Move : 404/404 +Hit: 40 +Dam: 22 /


| ARMOR || SAVES || Deity : Irumeru |

| Slash : -117 || Spell : -2 || Faith : Purity |

| Pierce: -115 || Afflictive : -19 || Weight: 462/565 |

| Blunt : -125 || Maledictive: -34 || Items : 35/36 |

| Magic : -130 || Mental : -23 || Prac : 32 Train: 0 |

| || || Gold : 16k |


/ Condition: You are in the prime of your health. \

| [KNIGHT] forces are aiding your healing. |


Fully trained ogre warrior, only took two or so deaths. He was my warmup char and basicly just got bored of him.

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What is a warm up character ?

Also, you would benefit from a Storm giant, insted of a ogre.

Sure Stats are worse, but you now have More HP's.

Why Ogres dont have more HP's than Storm Giants.

Ogres have many HP's, but so have Giants.

But when it come to take damage Ogres will always take vulnerability damge compared to storms.

Imagine non magic weapon, sure the ogre get regular damage but the giant is resisting it.

Now a magic weapon, the giant takes regular damage, it hurts, but it hurts a lot more as a ogre because of vulnerability.

Now regen, ogres have a huge regen, sure, but then again their regen is nothing when compared with giant regen. Because every extra HP they regen more they will get eaten by their vulnerability/non resistence.

Now on your case, if you where a storm giant i doubt you would have been killed those 2 or more deaths.

Now with this in mind, you go all roll ogres so i can spank you.

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What is a warm up character ?

Also, you would benefit from a Storm giant, insted of a ogre.

Sure Stats are worse, but you now have More HP's.

Why Ogres dont have more HP's than Storm Giants.

Ogres have many HP's, but so have Giants.

But when it come to take damage Ogres will always take vulnerability damge compared to storms.

Imagine non magic weapon, sure the ogre get regular damage but the giant is resisting it.

Now a magic weapon, the giant takes regular damage, it hurts, but it hurts a lot more as a ogre because of vulnerability.

Now regen, ogres have a huge regen, sure, but then again their regen is nothing when compared with giant regen. Because every extra HP they regen more they will get eaten by their vulnerability/non resistence.

Now on your case, if you where a storm giant i doubt you would have been killed those 2 or more deaths.

Now with this in mind, you go all roll ogres so i can spank you.

Uh... did you spank Grom? Doubtful. Ogre Warrior is, always has been, and always will be more powerful than a storm giant, stone giant or fire giant warrior.

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I dont even know who grom is...

And i do not care, sure ogres have a lot of ofensive power, more than storm or stone, but they also are a lot easyer to kill.

I prefer to fight a Ogre to a giant any day of the week.

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It really depends on who's playing them. Me, right now, I think I can do fairly decent with a giant warrior. But Ogre? Forget about it. I'd get my trash kicked every time I logged on. Now, give me time to condeath my current giant warrior, and then we can talk.:D

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Agreed Fiere, back when I had Grum (stone giant warrior gladiator) I defeated any ogre warrior that I challenged (some were harder then others). Since most warriors fight eachother with staff, giants have an advantage with their racial bonus to two-handed. And if you want to stop ogre healing, there are certain pieces of equipment or cabal skills that can stop their regeneration.

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