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Oh, Lawd! The boy is back!


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Awesome. To answer the question about any notables, my best character was Danddaar the Voice of Hope, Spirit of the Crown. He was a Storm Warrior Knight Elder. This was before the Hope clan ever existed. He was the first character I completely dove into RP-wise. It was a blast. I ended up getting Avatared but didn't have the PK capability to back it up. Right around when I had about 5 lives until condeath (didn't even know about con-questing), I ended having some serious RP sessions with Lethereal and came up with an RP angle similar to Sigil. I pitched it to Sirant who understood the mental growth of the character but was forced to end my life because I would be an Avatar who didn't aggressively kill evils. I ended up getting put into some sort of torture device that destroyed a different part of my body for every tick of the in-game day. I think the best one was when I saw "You have been LOBOTOMIZED!"

I also played several Warmasters which was a hell of a lot of fun. To my own admittance I was pretty trashy with the Warmasters...no real excuse except that my PK ability wasn't up to snuff and it took at least two mediocre Warmasters to even touch Onileon and the other badass Savants.

Towards the end of my FL career I was playing Jeroln Darwill a human Knight cleric, my first PK force. Unfortunately, being a 16-year-old kid at the time, I wasn't able to handle both good PK and good RP, so he ended up being less than notable. My final character was Rhrgraar, a dwarf zerk Knight, who was very similar character as the purity IMM now. I couldn't quite get the "swing" of beserkers, so I wasn't a huge PK force, but I did end up being Hero'd and put in line to become an Imm.

At some point, I realized that I was completely addicted and had wasted 3 years of my high school career on the game rather than doing the things most kids do: dating girls, playing sports, getting drunk, etc. I quit before my senior year of high school and have been loving life since then. [Edit] I didn't mean to make it sound like playing FL is a waste of your life. It is only that if you aren't responsible enough to manage your characters and your life at the same time. I wasn't then; I am now. I'm a junior at Winthrop University and in a wonderful relationship with a fantastic girl now. Well...long post, but that's me npc, the best of the C-list veterans.

Oh, and I think I remember Balinor...that is if he was the absolutely outrageous Shaman who constantly risked life and limb to quell the Knights. He was a topnotch character. If that's not Balinor, then, you're right...I don't remember.

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I ended up getting put into some sort of torture device that destroyed a different part of my body for every tick of the in-game day. I think the best one was when I saw "You have been LOBOTOMIZED!"

Ah, the Carnifax. Check the RP section.

Oh' date=' and I think I remember Balinor...that is if he was the absolutely outrageous Shaman who constantly risked life and limb to quell the Knights. He was a topnotch character. If that's not Balinor, then, you're right...I don't remember.[/quote']I think I'll be nice to Bali just one more time by not saying anything. :)

And welcome back. Good to have ya with us again.

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Hey Welcome back! Don't know if you will remember me. I would have been Kiyana, Saisha, Malynne(Healer gone evil priestess of Rift imm), Khylandri(First ninja in Knight in 1.0), Kyisak Royal Battlemage. Blah blah. I don't play anymore, havent touched the game sides rolling a lowbie and leaving it. But I'm still voting and floating around the forums!

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Oh, and I think I remember Balinor...that is if he was the absolutely outrageous Shaman who constantly risked life and limb to quell the Knights. He was a topnotch character. If that's not Balinor, then, you're right...I don't remember.

HAHA. Just gets back and is already making bali jokes. Pro.

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Wow, we didn't think YOU would ever come back... I think I just might have to roll up an evil cleric and whomp your arse. Or atleast knock you down a peg. I heard you were back in beaufort, we might stop by so watch your mail box.

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