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I dunno much about it.  what I do know it  was by and large peaceful until some masked folks showed up and tore things up. I keep hearing the number 150 as well. Not just Berkeley but the inauguration too. Some are theorizing that these are right wing plants to create a false flag narrative and justify what spencer called for "a defense group" which would basically amount to a paramilitary force. 

If you only consider who benefits most from that speaker not speaking it's seems more likely to be false but who knows.  - left gets a win and stops a speaker yes but right gets a legitimate call to arms and that speaker will come speak again except infront of his now armed supporters.

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Right. But groups like Antifa don't normally have access to the necessary funds to hit one spot and then travel across the country to hit another. Similar numbers of masked assailants leads one to think it wasn't two separate groups/charters within the same organization. I dunno. Maybe it is just them but at this point it's hard to verify anything. 

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4 hours ago, Vaerick said:

Some are theorizing that these are right wing plants to create a false flag narrative and justify what spencer called for "a defense group" which would basically amount to a paramilitary force. 

If you only consider who benefits most from that speaker not speaking it's seems more likely to be false but who knows.  - left gets a win and stops a speaker yes but right gets a legitimate call to arms and that speaker will come speak again except infront of his now armed supporters.

I don't count this as a win for the left, but as a loss.  As I mentioned before, this didn't stop Milo from having a platform, it made his platform orders of magnitude larger - just look at @f0xx's comment.  All this did was reinforce the narrative on the far right that the left is a danger to them.


And while there's definitely reason to think that the protest was essentially hijacked by an outside group, that doesn't excuse the Democrats or others on the left who have voiced support for the violence.

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I don't mean a win in the way that we think it is a win- I'm saying if you evaluate it all, it boils down exactly as your saying- it benefits the right far more than the left which makes me wonder if the left was really behind it at all. The question I was asking is what did each side get out of it, and regardless of it being a real "win" for the left there highest benefit of the antifa action would be stopping the speaker whereas the win on the right is the legitimacy to start acting more harshly against the opposition. Therefore, in that scenario the real win would be to the right rather than the left because the right benefits more under the two optimal scenarios (one left one right, with the right's being the "bigger" win). Half the time we're saying the same thing in different ways.


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Gah, my boss reads Infowars - for a while we had it in the store, though I was heartened by how few took copies.


The worst part regarding Infowars?  That I'd very often open it, start reading an article, and I'd appreciate that it was discussing something that I agreed wasn't receiving the attention it should - and then it would jump on the crazy train by saying this was how Obama intended to implement martial law so that the New World Order could put us all into camps.  Something that actually deserves attention it isn't getting, such as the state of US water infrastructure (an article that, until about halfway in, was starting to revise my opinion of the magazine), is instead used in service of insane fearmongering, and in the end is just as forgotten as it was before the article started.


edit: for the record, US water infrastructure is in pretty shitty shape, and needs reworking on the hundreds of billions of dollars scale.  Flint may have gotten a lot of attention, but it's actually better off regarding lead concentration in its water than about 20% of the US if I recall correctly, and I don't remember if that's geographically or population-based - either way it should disturb you.

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