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As I was told by one of the staff on a couple of occasions, if someone is so ridiculously powerful that you can't beat them alone and nobody else can....gang to your hearts content. I don't think anyone would moan about two or three taking down Kentry or Grishnak or someone like that in their prime of power. Right now however, I don't see anybody in the playerbase that all powerful.

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Uhm, sorry, but this coming from one of the people who waged a gangfest on old Martineius the other day? Puhleeeeeeaaaaasseee

Tribunals will and always have been ganged by anyone who hates the LAW, especially now that evils are also involved. If you are wanted, expect them to come at you from every direction until you are apprehended.

From what I saw, there were no groups of Tribunals ganging you. At least they were all fighting you solo. Perhaps its time to reform and ask for a pardon ;)

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Uhm, sorry, but this coming from one of the people who waged a gangfest on old Martineius the other day? Puhleeeeeeaaaaasseee

Tribunals will and always have been ganged by anyone who hates the LAW, especially now that evils are also involved. If you are wanted, expect them to come at you from every direction until you are apprehended.

From what I saw, there were no groups of Tribunals ganging you. At least they were all fighting you solo. Perhaps its time to reform and ask for a pardon ;)

WHAMMMO! Guess that pretty much explains everything right there. Good to see a neutral parties observations about the business.

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Uhm, sorry, but this coming from one of the people who waged a gangfest on old Martineius the other day? Puhleeeeeeaaaaasseee

Tribunals will and always have been ganged by anyone who hates the LAW, especially now that evils are also involved. If you are wanted, expect them to come at you from every direction until you are apprehended.

From what I saw, there were no groups of Tribunals ganging you. At least they were all fighting you solo. Perhaps its time to reform and ask for a pardon ;)

I got two logs in the prayer forum showing it - and I would post them here if people wouldnt start crying about it.

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Being an outlaw means anyone, anywhere can attack you, even in cities, not just Tribunal.

Again, it's a player's actions that make them become wanted/outlaw. I am sure there will always be outlaws as they won't quit the game over the consequences of the RP they've chosen. They'll suck it up and stick to their RP.

Remember, the situation cuts both ways. If I play Dyntia, a gnome warrior, I'm sure I'm thrilled to death to be the only Tribunal on while I get gang pounded by Watchers trying to take my standard, Syndicates trying to collect my bounty, and then there's the matter of that wanted Ogre zerk that needs taking care of. The difference is that I'm not going to complain about it since I chose to be a Tribunal. RP always has benefits and consequences. For too long, being unlawful was full of benefit with very little by way of consequence. The balance has been restored.

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The single shot, permanent outlaw fromg being exiled has been rather annoying. It also seems weird to be exiled from Miruvhor and all of a sudden you are also an outlaw in all cities, when the original crime didn't even take place in Miruvhor.

The ability to put on a permanent wanted flag like that has seemed strange, and at the very lest, really really annoying.

I was used to repeat offenders getting outlaw, it would be nice if the outlaw at least only lasted as long as the exile.

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