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I saw back a while ago Cyndion get attacked left right and centre by just about everyone, I actually said to myself that cannot be fun. He was/is well played but the crap he was getting, I wouldnt have put up with it. Now Tribunal has an excellent group of players, justice was a gang cabal before but the crude they were getting and in an rp sense it makes sense. Most of the ganging is in cities in any case.

Props to the the current tribunals as it has a knock down effect, weaker starting characters, newbs all now have to a degree a save haven, grant it does not make them immune, but offers a degree of protection. I was surprised myself having played here for a good few years and never once having been outlawed to find myself outlawed with minimal crimes. I would perhaps say becoming outlawed should be as it was ie takes a good few crime sprees.

A gang is very likely if you are in a cabal period. But the majority of cases are everyone fighting away as individuals, its very different from two tribunals grouping together. I hope the current members of Tribunal dont take offence to being labelled gangers, as they have to a point brought Tribunal back when none wished to bother with the hassel of it. And my current character is at war with them, but still props to them. Feckers :mad::)

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Didn't want to post but.......I was around first hand. Tribunal have a rough time, I know the skill you are talking about and I agree somewhat. But until we have played one and see the cost of using that skill there isn't a basis of saying if it is overpowered.

As for you being ganged, well it's always been that way for Justice/Tribunal. Just one of those things that make Outlaws stand out as Elite :)

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As for you being ganged' date=' well it's always been that way for Justice/Tribunal. Just one of those things that make Outlaws stand out as Elite :)[/quote']

I played a Justice Enforcer for a good while...Most of the time, it was me getting two or three syndicates plus any other bounty hunters...I remember two ogre rangers that would consistently hound me, I took like ten pks in one day because of those two (and me being a straight newbie). I think its more elite for that sole Tribunal out there going toe to toe with with the various criminals and other cabals, then to be an outlaw, with a whole slew of likely allies. I've never seen more then three Tribunals on at once, and frequently see one or two, while the odds are fairly stacked against them, pc wise. I think the Tribunal's are doing a good job right now, Marty is great for rp, and he's a damn fine pker, one of my chars has alot of respect for him, another I had recently created and was planning to go one way with him has headed in a different direction, from the Rp with the Tribunals.

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I just find it a bit funny that the original post about Watcher/outlaw praise and what not was spawned from a situation where two Tribunals were fighting against five outlaws, and all the props go to the outlaws.

I sure am glad that Justice is no longer MY cabal :D :D

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Then you might be wrong.

If nothing else, the current Tribunal mix of alignments has thrown a proverbial wrench in cookie cutter Evil/Good/Neutral RP. While standard RP keeps everyone IC, challenging you to RP with several variables I think helps everyone improve, much like learning to PK with different class/race/eq variations does.

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I think the forum itself, at least a slong as I have been browsing it, had always had a balanced amount of constructive feedback, and pure whining/complaining. Props to the imms for sticking to their guns and taking helping us morts by creating more rp and pk opportunities. No matter what there will be good, bad, and ugly commentary, so at least there is growth on top of it.

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