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check your goodwill or whatever for used C/C++ books, if you need any other computer knowledge, someone please post?

ah, I know. WTF is OLC?

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On Line Creation.

-Almost- all muds are C based, but there are some newer cores which are C++ and there are some other strange ones that are languages which are only used for that mud.


That link is to the WINDOWS release of ROM. Its a very nice little thing for learning ROM coding(Fl is just a build up/added on ROM). The FL code is public, so you could use that, but expect to spend a while(months...maybe) getting familar with the code. While that's true with any core, the fl core is especially so because it wasn't really designed to be released and when the release was done it was kind of like, "here's the code" not "here's an easy to boot core" and the two are very, very different.

As grannyman said in the other thread, muds are alot like children and you will probably only have a few people who are its parents. It is not easy and if you actually start a mud I will give you a single piece of advice no one ever gave me: Don't pick your friends, because if you, you'll probabaly lose them. Like I said, a couple/few people will see the mud as a child AND have the dedication to work on it. Others will not and this can/will cause a lot of tension.

The way I'd suggest learning to code is to just toy around with code. First start changing things, then start working with snippets and getting them so they'll work right...then start modifying the snippets, then write your own, then it gets hard ;).

Oh and building is just plain easy. Very little technical knowledge is necessary. Its boring and slow, but still easy. Basically map an area(there is a program called Ascii Mapmaker out there which rocks!) and write the descs for the rooms and that's like 90% of it. Balancing the area for ranking and eq is a bit harder and requires good mud knowledge.

I will comment on the links Brsingr Mentioned.

http://www.mudconnect.com/ - Probably the largest community. Responses are everywhere, GREAT for finding staff, but expect to cycle through alot of people before you get a reliable staff from any forum.

http://www.topmudsites.com/- Its a forum like mudconnect...except its a more select crowd. Thinks of it as a mud owner hangout ;).

http://www.frostmud.com/ - FREE HOSTING! YES! YES! YES! This guy is great. His name is Matt and he is really cool.

http://frostmud.dyndns.org/files/WinROM-deriv-exe.zip- The link I stated again. Rom port for windows. Brilliant.

http://www.mageslair.net/builder/- Pretty nice OLC tutorial. Problem is that OLC will vary between almost every mud and codebase you see. Its ALL pretty easy though, so don't sweat it.

http://www.mudmagic.com/codes/- Nice Place for Snippets, but just google like "Rom Snippets" and you will find loads and loads of them.

http://www.dawnoftime.org/- DoT is a codebase which is very, very complex. Imagine a codebase where in order to eat you have to kill something, skin it, get a pan, start a fire, hold the pan and cook it. It drives me crazy but its some people's thing. ;)

And I'll add a few...

http://www.isunlimited.net - another FREE host. Bit more business oriented than Frostmud.

http://www.stud.ux.his.no/~austad/mud/mapmaker/ ASCII MAPMAKER!!!! AWESOME PROGRAM!!

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If you learning a mud, learn it ROM. Circle is a pain, and is not so stable.

You can actualy run the ROM 2.8 i think that is up to download on the web.

It prety basic from what FL is. But its good to learn how to code stuff.

I remenber the first time i booted it up, prancing about in Manh Thor and wandering why the hell they did not have doors on it. :D

Thinkering with muds can be very fun IF you like programing and coding and reading it. Ever went to bed with a C book and some pages of code and keep up late studing it just to find out how special if works ?

IS_Sick ? Call doctor : SPank :confused:

So if you not into that sort of stuff, dont bother.

With that i have to say that all code i have seen is to inflexible, i can probably understand as they did not have the CPU power we have now, but still, the way you code a class in them is always a nightmare.

If i ever runned a mud i would go like Archea and build the world engine from scratch, not the comm thing.

I prefer to have all thing flaged personaly than to have a big flag as race to cover somethings.

Imagine i wished to give a gnome ogre like regen, i cannot do it because he is raced as gnome and not ogre. But if all was a flaged and all ogres had that flag at creation i coulg flag the gnome. (generical example)

But that is just me, because i do not have a programing backround but a engenearing background and we are used to realy really plan ahead for safety reasons. Just ask Civil/Mechanic projecters how mutch do they oversize for security reasons. And then go thing of milenium bug :D

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Oh, this is very good news.

I've currently been working on learning C++ as a sort of personal intrest/side project.

Thanks for all of the links, now I can get to work on learning this stuff! :)


Re (Post 51) WC:

Why would you think I would want to make a competing MUD? That is a bit more ambitious than I want to be.

Perhaps it is the case that I would like to have some experience and skill at mud coding and building before offering my help to this mud? I personally like to know a bit about what I'm doing before offering to do it... that way I know that I can make good on my promises.

I would think that this community should foster anyone who wants to be able to help out because that is the way that we are able to keep it going (and evolving) through the generations.

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Re (Post 51) WC:

Why would you think I would want to make a competing MUD? That is a bit more ambitious than I want to be.

Perhaps it is the case that I would like to have some experience and skill at mud coding and building before offering my help to this mud? I personally like to know a bit about what I'm doing before offering to do it... that way I know that I can make good on my promises.

I would think that this community should foster anyone who wants to be able to help out because that is the way that we are able to keep it going (and evolving) through the generations.

Alright, now lets read this post again;


I recomend posts 51 and 52 in that thread, however.


I notice no comments about competeing muds or the like. However in this post I do see three links.

One being to the main thread, full of information on to which you asked for. God forbid that someone starting a mud might actually have infromation about one of the key facets of making a mud... coding. And god forbid anyone actually do something for themself, such as seperating useful information from a block of information. This link wasn't because I thought it would have some information you might wish to know about, but because it was completely off topic and I wanted to derail the thread, and be an *******, all in one post. Go me.

And two specific posts. Two that tell you where to go for information on coding and behind the scenes mud work, one of which is straight from an Imm.

Now, I'm not one to run off on a tirade... ah hell, of course I am, but only when people open the door for me.

You want to offer your help to FL, that's fine, everyone here wants to. I may disagree very strongly with Warpnow on almost every idea he has ever come up with, but I still know that he is shooting out these ideas because he wants to help FL. But the idea I can't seem to wrap my head around is not that people might want to help Fl, it's how they think they are going to help FL, and shows a complete lack of understanding of how. It's not enough to want to help, it's not enough to have the ability to help, there are a large amount of people who are skilled and offer help. Now I'm not going to sit here and say that the Imms will never accept coding help, because this is a new staff and Behrens is a damn decent guy, but I will tell you it's never happened. FL has always had a list of things to do, always, and there have always been someone waiting for each one of those projects to come, yet always it's been one or two coders who are always on staff.

Coders are like drummers or guitarists, a dime a dozen. Take any drummer or guitarist joke and replace that with coder;

What's the difference between a dead frog and a dead coder in the road? The frog was probably going to job.

How do you get a coder off your porch? Pay him for the pizza.

I really don't think coding is something that the staff needs help with, else they would have probably gotten that help long ago.

There has always been a problem with players offering ideas, and stories, and all that crap. And despite what a lot of you may think, the problem I precieve is that the ideas are bad(of course I think a lot of the ideas are bad, but thats not what I'm talking about), the problem is who owns the idea. And I know if I were running the show I wouldn't be taking anyones work but my own because I wouldn't want to deal with that kind of garbage.

Now lecture me all you want about the 'community fostering' and the 'evolving through the generations' but you're just preaching to the choir. I've been here since the begining, I've payed my dues as a player and as staff. And if there is something I've learned in my 10+ years of mudding it's there is no greater group of ungrateful, unpleasnt *******s than a mudding community. I hate you all, I hate you all so very much... yet I'm still here. Why? Because I want to help the mud in my own ways, so I do my part for the comunity and I do my part in game(when I sign in, which hasn't happened much as late). And guess what? Neither of them involve any coding at all.

I really don't care, I gave you exactly what you asked for. I understand wanting to help to mud. I could have, and probably should have just given you this link instead; www.google.com


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Call me old fashioned' date=' but I love graph paper and pen/pencil.[/quote']

Heh...I used to do that during math class back when I wasn't even working on a mud. In my school backpack, I STILL have graph notebooks with maps for HUNDREDS of areas. hah.

It actually got to the point where my school asked what I was doing with all the graph notebooks my teachers were giving me and I had to tell them I was just losing them.

But...that program, ascii mapmaker, makes a nice "ascii" map and a graphical map which is nice for presentation, and plus its faster.

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Perhaps you should be more clear.

I see two links about starting muds and drawing people away from this one and I intend to let you know that that is NOT my intention. I just want to know how it all works. Perhaps be helpful to the mud.

Perhaps I should be more clear as well.

I didn't intend for you to take it in an insulting manner.

May I suggest some good blood pressure medications?

Some of us can't read your mind on the issue of mud coding. I really wouldn't care if i got credit for coding for this mud. Perhaps its because I have other priorities.

I assume that if someone were to present Behrens with an idea (and it happened to be good) he wouldn't dismiss it just because it wasn't his. That is not what rational people do.

Anyway, arguing and bull**** is what drove me away from this game the first time. This is a fun thing for me and I'd like it to stay that way.

Yes WC, you're totally right and I shouldn't have ever disagreed with what you never expressed to me.


Anyway, this thread should probably be closed, i've got all the information I need. Thanks everyone for the help (including you WC). :-)

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