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Nobody can explain it aside from Behrens. Anyone else trying to do so is only making assumptions.

It IS safe to assume that Behrens believed the changes would have been out a month ago. But, something has come up, whether it be IRL issues, perhaps some coding issues, or something else, that has not let him release them yet.

In the infamous words of Bryntryst....


Now, from a professional point of view.....hehe. An update would be nice. Sucks to have something as awesome as DK/Pally changes announced a month ago and not really hearing anything as far as an update is concerned.

Just no one really deserves to be pointing fingers. They aren't out yet, it's not killing you, so just wait lol. :)

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We have found that on FL' date=' if you rush something you are bound to create something that will cause significant amounts of whining. Better to take the extram time to get it right.[/quote']

Translation: "You're damned if you do and you're damned if you don't. But it's more fun if you do it right."

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